2024-09-18 05:40:08

Bundestag Committee Chairmanship Dispute

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The Federal Constitutional Court is set to rule on the contentious issue of committee chairmanships within the German Bundestag. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) seeks to claim leadership positions in three key committees, emphasizing their right to equal participation.

Critics, including members of the Greens, argue that the AfD has not demonstrated impartiality in past roles. The court must consider whether the Bundestag's rules allow for free elections of committee chairs or if the AfD's rights are being unjustly limited.

This decision follows the party's earlier loss of the Legal Committee chair in 2019 and ongoing disputes regarding their representation. The outcome may lead to significant changes in the Bundestag's operational procedures, potentially reshaping the dynamics of parliamentary power distribution.

18. September 2024 um 00:10

Decision on Committee Chairmanships in the Bundestag

The Federal Constitutional Court decides on the distribution of chair positions for the committees in the German Bundestag. The AfD claims three Bundestag committees for itself: the Interior Committee, the Committee for Economic Cooperation, and the Health Committee. Stephan Brandner, an AfD politician, was ousted as chairman of the Legal Committee in 2019. Manuela Rottmann, a member of the Greens, criticizes that AfD committee chairs have not exercised their office in a non-partisan manner. So..
18. September 2024 um 02:03

Federal Constitutional Court rules on AfD chairmanships of Bundestag committees

The Federal Constitutional Court will announce its judgment on Wednesday (10:00 a.m.) in Karlsruhe on the chairpersons of Bundestag committees. It is about the question of whether all factions have the right to chairmanships or whether the committees can decide differently by vote - specifically whether the AfD is entitled to chairmanships. The AfD parliamentary group had appealed to the court. (Az. 2 BvE 1/20 and 2 BvE 10/21)
Tagesschau - Innenpolitik - aktuelle Nachrichten
18. September 2024 um 03:19

AfD Lawsuits Right to Chair Bundestag Committees?

The AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag lost the chairmanship of the Legal Affairs Committee in 2019, as their candidate Stephan Brandner was considered unsuitable. Brandner had referred to the singer Udo Lindenberg as a "Judaslohn" (Judas' reward). Now the AfD is suing for its right to occupy committee chairmanships.
18. September 2024 um 03:01

Federal Constitutional Court examines: Does the AfD have a right to committee chairmanships in the Bundestag?

The Federal Constitutional Court is examining whether the AfD has a right to committee chairmanships in the Bundestag. The AfD sees its rights to equal treatment, effective opposition and fair application of the rules of procedure violated, as its candidates for committee chairmanships were not elected.
Frankfurter Rundschau
18. September 2024 um 03:01

Hat die AfD ein Recht auf Ausschussvorsitze im Bundestag?

Das Gericht könnte feststellen, dass die Geschäftsordnung keine freie Wahl der Ausschussvorsitze zulässt oder dass Rechte der AfD eingeschränkt werden, was eine Änderung der Geschäftsordnung erfordern würde.


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