2024-09-04 17:55:08

'Incompetence and Greed' Turned Grenfell Tower into a Deadly Trap, According to a Report

Image courtesy of : AFP (JUSTIN TALLIS)

A report on the Grenfell Tower fire in London reveals that the tragedy was caused by a combination of incompetence and greed. Multiple parties, including cladding manufacturers, regulators, the government, and companies involved in the building's refurbishment, failed to ensure safety, turning the building into a deadly trap where 72 people died.

The report also criticizes the London Fire Brigade for poor communication and inadequate training. The investigation concluded that all deaths were avoidable and highlighted the inequality in the UK, as Grenfell was a social housing building in a wealthy neighborhood.

Police are investigating possible charges, but prosecutions are unlikely before 2026. The report's recommendations include tougher regulation and remediation for the construction industry, as well as consequences for dishonest companies. The government must take swift action to prevent further tragedies and ensure accountability.

4. September 2024 um 13:36

Report cites failure: 72 deaths in Grenfell fire were 'all avoidable' - n-tv.de

The report accuses authorities and companies of 'decades of failure'; 72 deaths in the Grenfell fire were 'all avoidable'; fire safety regulations were ignored, and the fire brigade made serious mistakes.
4. September 2024 um 13:22

London: Final Report on the Grenfell Disaster - "Result of Decades of Failure" - DER SPIEGEL

The grief of the survivors and bereaved is mixed with anger and frustration. They demand that those responsible, who put profit before human life, must go to prison.
4. September 2024 um 11:55

'Incompetence and greed' made Grenfell Tower a death trap, report says

The Grenfell Tower fire in London killed 72 people due to a "combination of causes" - dishonest companies (Celotex, Kingspan, Arconic), weak/incompetent regulators, and complacent Conservative-led UK government. The London Fire Brigade was criticized for poor management and outdated equipment. The tragedy highlighted inequality, as Grenfell was a public housing building in the wealthy Notting Hill area. Police are investigating, but prosecutions are unlikely before 2026.
4. September 2024 um 13:12

Grenfell investigation: 'Incompetence and greed' turned the tower into a death trap

72 people lost their lives in the fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017. The investigation revealed that 'greedy companies', 'weak institutions' and 'indifferent government' were responsible for the deadliest fire in England.
4. September 2024 um 12:39

Schwere Versäumnisse Grund für Grenfell-Katastrophe

Der Grenfell-Tower-Brand in London 2017 forderte 72 Todesopfer. Eine Untersuchungskommission zeigte, dass brennbare Baumaterialien und fehlende Brandschutzvorschriften die Katastrophe verursachten. Skrupellose Firmen verhielten sich systematisch unehrlich, während Behörden die bekannten Risiken ignorierten. Die Untersuchungskommission richtet schwere Vorwürfe an die Regierung, die jahrelang Verbesserungen versäumt habe. Die Feuerwehrgewerkschaft FBU fordert weitreichende Konsequenzen. Der Lond..
4. September 2024 um 12:38

Feuer in Londoner Hochhaus: Bericht zur Grenfell-Katastrophe – Inkompetenz und Profitgier

Der Grenfell-Tower-Brand in London 2017 forderte 72 Todesopfer. Ein Untersuchungsbericht zeigt, dass die Katastrophe durch Inkompetenz und Profitgier verursacht wurde: Brandschutzbestimmungen wurden lax ausgelegt, Testergebnisse manipuliert, Warnungen ignoriert, und die Fassadenverkleidung aus brennbarem Material trug zur rasanten Ausbreitung des Feuers bei. Auch der Feuerwehr werden schwere Fehler angelastet, da sie die Menschen zu lange zum Verbleib im brennenden Gebäude riet. Strafrechtliche..


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