2024-08-31 13:29:08

Deportation of Afghan criminals back to Taliban-ruled Afghanistan sparks debate

Image used under license from Shutterstock.com

Germany has deported 28 convicted Afghan criminals back to Afghanistan, marking the first deportation since the Taliban takeover. The German government negotiated with Qatar to facilitate the acceptance of the deportees by the Taliban.

There is concern that this could set a precedent for deporting Afghan nationals who are not considered serious criminals or threats. The deportations were met with controversy, with the Minister of the Interior defending the provision of €1,000 'hand money' for the deportees.

The money is intended to provide for their livelihood in Afghanistan for several months. The role of Qatar as a mediator in the deportations highlights its relationships with both Germany and the Taliban.

There are ongoing debates about the use of hand money and the potential expansion of deportations to other nationalities and countries.

30. August 2024 um 14:43

Afghanistan back as a deportation destination: Departure to the Taliban

28 convicted Afghan criminals, including some for drug law violations and fare evasion, were unexpectedly deported to Afghanistan, although deportations there were suspended in 2021. The German government negotiated with Qatar to get the Taliban to accept the deportees, and is planning a migration agreement with Uzbekistan for further deportations. A survey by the Evangelical Press Service found that there are no statistics on serious Afghan criminals, and the Bundestag is investigating the Af..
31. August 2024 um 07:43

Deported Afghan wants to return to pregnant girlfriend in Germany - n-tv.de

A convicted sex offender was deported to Afghanistan, even though his pregnant girlfriend lives in Germany. He is now trying to return to Germany to be present at the birth of his child.
31. August 2024 um 07:04

First Flight to Afghanistan: Interior Minister Faeser Defends 1000 Euro Cash Allowance for Deported Criminals

Interior Minister Faeser (SPD) defends the 1,000 Euro 'cash allowance' for deported criminals to Afghanistan. Germany had deported Afghans for the first time in three years, including sex offenders and criminals. Five deported men from Lower Saxony also received 1,000 euros. The money is intended to secure six to nine months of living expenses in Afghanistan.
31. August 2024 um 08:58

Special procedure for deportation to Afghanistan could set a precedent

Germany has deported 28 Afghan criminals, the first deportation to Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover. Experts fear that deportations could in the future also be extended to Afghans who are not considered serious criminals and threats.
31. August 2024 um 08:55

Afghanistan-Abschiebung: Katar soll mit Taliban verhandelt haben

Katar vermittelte zwischen Deutschland und Taliban zur Abschiebung von Straftätern nach Afghanistan, da Deutschland keine Beziehungen zu Kabul unterhält. Ein Abschiebeflug startete mit einer Maschine der Qatar Airways. Katar agiert als Vermittler und hat Beziehungen zu den Taliban.


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