2024-07-11 00:07:14

The Mounting Pressure on President Biden: Calls to Step Aside Gain Momentum

Image courtesy of : AFP (KEVIN DIETSCH)

Amid growing concerns about President Biden's candidacy for the upcoming election, pressure is mounting for him to reconsider running. Prominent Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi, George Clooney, and Congressman Pat Ryan have expressed doubts about Biden's ability to defeat Donald Trump and lead the Democratic Party to victory.

Clooney, a longtime supporter turned critic, has urged Biden to withdraw from the race, citing concerns about his fitness for office. Despite facing calls to step aside, Biden has remained defiant, criticizing what he perceives as a shift in support from Democratic elites and vowing to continue his candidacy.

With the Democratic National Convention approaching, the debate over Biden's candidacy intensifies, with allies and former Obama aides weighing in on the potential consequences of his decision. As the clock ticks, Democrats are left grappling with the question of whether Biden's candidacy presents the best chance for the party's success in the upcoming election.

Tagesschau - Internationale Nachrichten aus aller Welt
10. Juli 2024 um 19:16

Biden's Presidential Candidacy The Trust of the Trusted is Waning

Biden's candidacy for another term is increasingly being called into question. Even close confidants like Pelosi and celebrities like Clooney doubt his suitability. Democratic politicians like Senator Bennet fear a landslide victory for the Republicans if Biden runs.
Yahoo News
10. Juli 2024 um 18:11

Ex-Obama aides react to George Clooney’s op-ed on President Biden

Former Obama aides David Axelrod and Jon Favreau discussed Democratic donor and actor George Clooney's op-ed calling on President Joe Biden to step aside. The aides provided their perspectives on Clooney's comments and the potential implications for the Democratic party.
New York Times - Politics
10. Juli 2024 um 23:39

Biden Faces Fresh Calls to Withdraw as Democrats Fear Electoral Rout

President Biden is facing growing pressure from Democrats to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race or rethink his decision to run for re-election. Lawmakers are concerned that Biden would lose to former President Trump and drag down the party's chances of controlling Congress. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a longtime Biden ally, signaled that Democrats are still divided on his candidacy, saying 'time is running short' for him to make a decision. Biden has said his mind is made up, but..
New York Times - Asia Pacific
10. Juli 2024 um 20:55

Donnerstag Briefing: Druck auf Biden wächst, zurückzutreten

Der Artikel diskutiert den wachsenden Druck auf Präsident Biden, als demokratischer Präsidentschaftskandidat zurückzutreten. Mehrere prominente Demokraten, darunter die ehemalige Sprecherin des Repräsentantenhauses Nancy Pelosi und Kongressabgeordneter Pat Ryan, haben Bedenken hinsichtlich Bidens Fähigkeit geäußert, Donald Trump in der bevorstehenden Wahl zu besiegen. Der Artikel erwähnt auch, dass Schauspieler George Clooney, der zuvor eine Spendenveranstaltung für Biden ausgerichtet hatte, den..


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