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27. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Venezuela Elections: Stakes, Economy, and International Attention

Venezuela's upcoming elections have attracted international attention and offer the possibility of a power shift after 25 years of authoritarian rule. The outcome could have significant economic implications, as a more transparent election process may lead to a normalization of diplomatic relations and potential debt restructuring. The elections hold promise for Venezuelans, with the potential for economic recovery and improved living conditions. However, there are concerns about the legitimacy of the results and the acceptance of the outcome by both sides. The international community, multilateral organizations, and investors are closely monitoring the elections, weighing the potential for payment willingness and economic growth under a new government. The stakes are high, with the possibility of significant gains or losses for investors and the potential for a path towards economic recovery and improved quality of life for Venezuelans.
26. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Russian Sentences Five Defendants to Prison for 'High Treason' and 'Terrorism'

The Russian justice system has handed down prison sentences ranging from 10 to 22 years to five defendants in various cases. In the Oryol region, a trans activist accused of 'high treason' was sentenced to twelve years for allegedly transferring money to Ukraine to finance the Ukrainian armed forces. In Moscow, two men were sentenced to 22 and 15 years for their involvement in a terrorist organization. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock criticized Belarus for parading a German citizen sentenced to death on television and called for the protection of his dignity and rights. The Russian central bank raised the key interest rate to 18 percent due to rising inflation, the highest level since April 2022. Russia claimed to have intercepted two British fighter jets and a reconnaissance aircraft over the Black Sea with a Su-57 fighter jet. The Ukrainian military intelligence service reported that the Russian armed forces are currently focusing their attacks on the Donbass region. To address the shortage of troops, Ukraine has been recruiting prisoners from prisons since May. The German government expressed concern about the fate of the German citizen sentenced to death in Belarus. Security experts believe that Ukraine faces significant challenges due to the upcoming US election and there is no hope for a quick resolution to the war on terms favorable to Russia.
26. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Eurofighter's Record-Breaking Flight from Japan to Hawaii

The Eurofighter achieves an 8600 km distance record with 5 air refuelings, landing in Pearl Harbor after a 10-hour flight. Part of the Rimpac and Pacific Skies exercises, the feat showcases the aircraft's versatility. Typically operating in close ranges, carrier-based operations extend their reach. Rimpac, involving 29 nations and diverse military assets, focuses on low-level flight, air attack, defense, and air refueling, emphasizing Indo-Pacific security cooperation.
26. Juli 2024 um 23:55

The Challenge of Defining Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the new presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, faces the challenge of finding her own voice without breaking with President Biden. As she takes on the role of the anti-Trump candidate, Harris must balance demonstrating loyalty to Biden while also showing the public who she is. With a truncated election campaign and the need to coordinate messages with Biden, Harris must navigate the delicate political high-wire act. Additionally, her concerns about Palestinian suffering in the Gaza war, as evidenced by her meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, further complicate her image. The election remains unpredictable, but Harris has the potential to excel as the ultimate anti-Trump candidate.
26. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Scholz rules out a coalition with the BSW at the federal level

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has ruled out a coalition with the BSW at the federal level due to their pro-Russian stance. The Social Democrats are currently facing low approval ratings both nationally and in several states, including Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg. Despite this, Scholz is confident that Dietmar Woidke of the SPD will remain as the Minister President in Brandenburg. In response to criticism from FDP leader Christian Lindner, the SPD defended their faction leader Rolf Mützenich and accused the FDP of self-promotion instead of coalition work. The SPD emphasized the importance of setting the right course in Parliament, including the budget, rather than pleasing the FDP Finance Minister. Mützenich had criticized the deployment of US missiles in Germany, called for negotiations on the budget, and demanded a suspension of the debt brake. The SPD faction stood firm in their support of Mützenich as a crucial pillar of the coalition.
26. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Advancements and Challenges in the Fight Against HIV

Progress in HIV prevention and treatment continues, yet the global pandemic persists as a significant challenge. In regions like Latin America, the Middle East/North Africa, and Eastern Europe/Central Asia, rising infection rates highlight the urgent need for increased commitment and funding. The introduction of Lenacapavir, a new preventive drug, has shown remarkable 100% protection in studies involving young African women. However, global funding for HIV efforts fell by 5% to $19.8 billion in 2023, falling short of the required $29.3 billion. Alarmingly, 25% of HIV-positive individuals lack access to essential medication, and annual AIDS-related deaths exceed the UN target of 250,000, reaching 630,000. Despite these challenges, promising developments in HIV treatment were presented, offering hope for progress. Initiatives like Global Fund programs have saved millions of lives, emphasizing the crucial commitment to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030 while safeguarding human rights for all.
26. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Racist Attack on CDU Politician in Brandenburg State Election Campaign

Adeline Abimnwi Awemo, a CDU candidate in the Brandenburg state election, was the victim of a racist attack while hanging election posters in Cottbus. The assailant, a 29-year-old woman, verbally abused and physically assaulted Awemo, resulting in minor injuries. The attack was racially motivated, and the police have initiated investigations for incitement of the people and bodily harm. Awemo has also filed a complaint for bodily harm. In response to the attack, politicians from all parties have condemned the incident and expressed solidarity with Awemo. They emphasize the need to hold the responsible individuals accountable. CDU chairman Jan Redmann criticized the increasing polarization in society but affirmed their determination not to be deterred by such acts of violence. The police continue their intensive investigations with the involvement of the state security service.
26. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Scholz's Close Relationship with Macron and Optimism for Future

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has revealed that he maintains a strong personal relationship with French President Emmanuel Macron, meeting with him privately on occasion. Despite differing stances on issues such as Ukraine, the two leaders find common ground and work together to find solutions that benefit all of Europe. Scholz's positive relationship with Macron extends to their personal lives as well, with the Chancellor mentioning that they also meet with Macron's wife. Scholz's visit to Paris for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games further demonstrates the close ties between Germany and France. While the countries may have their differences, they have a long history of finding common ground and working towards shared goals. Scholz believes that when Germany and France align their positions, it often sets the foundation for solutions that are beneficial for the entire continent. Despite facing criticism and low approval ratings, Scholz remains optimistic about his political future, aiming to run as a candidate in the next elections. While the SPD, Scholz's party, has yet to confirm his candidacy, it seems that influential figures within the party support him. However, Scholz will need to reverse his party's declining popularity and overcome challenges within the coalition government to succeed in his ambitions.
26. Juli 2024 um 09:00

EU Receives First Request for Authorization of Lab-Grown Meat

French start-up Gourmey has submitted the first-ever request for pre-market authorization of lab-grown foie gras in the EU. Gourmey has also filed global applications for its cell-based duck products. The company claims that its foie gras is slaughter-free and more environmentally friendly. The EU's novel foods regulation, which governs products not significantly present in European diets before May 1997, applies to these products. Some countries, including France, Italy, and Austria, are calling for stricter evaluation of cultured products, while Hungary wants to protect the EU's culinary traditions. The European Commission is responsible for authorizing novel foods, and skepticism has been expressed by several EU ministers.
26. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Niger: President Mohamed Bazoum - Friend of the West, Hostage of the Coup Plotters

Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum holds a press conference
Since the coup in Niger a year ago, President Bazoum has been held captive by the junta in his former palace without contact with the outside world. The junta plans to try him for conspiracy and treason, and his life is in danger. The coup has divided the nation, with some supporting the military rulers and others questioning their approach to governance. The country has faced economic sanctions and a rise in food prices since the coup, exacerbating the already existing food insecurity. The rift between Niger and France has deepened, leading to the withdrawal of French troops and strained relations. The future of Niger remains uncertain as the nation grapples with political instability and security challenges.
26. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Venezuelans Travel Thousands of Kilometers to Vote Against Maduro

Venezuelans residing in Madrid are taking flights from Barajas, paying up to 2,200 euros, to participate in the presidential elections in their country. They face obstacles imposed by the Chavista regime for voting abroad. Despite living in Spain, only a fraction of the Venezuelan population there is registered to vote. The restrictions and requirements imposed by the Venezuelan consulates have been criticized by opposition groups. Many Venezuelans in Spain have limited resources and it is a significant financial effort for them to make the trip back to their home country. Despite doubts about a fair election and concerns about fraud, there is optimism among opposition supporters due to the popularity of the opposition candidate, Edmundo González. The Venezuelan diaspora, which numbers over 7.7 million, is hoping for a change in their home country after 25 years of Chavismo. The increase in flights from Madrid to Caracas in recent months may also indicate a reactivation of the Venezuelan economy. The outcome of the elections will have a significant impact on the lives of Venezuelans abroad, including those who cannot physically be present to vote.
26. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Kamala Harris Expands Social Media Presence on TikTok

Kamala Harris nutzt TikTok künftig intensiver
Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, has joined TikTok to connect with younger audiences. Within hours, she gained 750,000 followers and her first 8-second video has been viewed over 2.2 million times. This move highlights the value of TikTok in reaching young voters, as over a third of its 170 million users rely on the platform for political news. The platform is already filled with memes and content about Harris, showcasing its potential impact on the upcoming election. Additionally, Harris recently expressed her support for Israel while urging the Israeli leadership to protect the suffering population in the Gaza Strip. She emphasized the need to condemn terrorism, violence, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and hatred.
26. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Jennifer Aniston Defends Kamala Harris Against 'Childless Cat Lady' Attack

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaks to reporters upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on July 25, 2024.
Jennifer Aniston criticized Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance for his remarks about Kamala Harris, endorsing Harris and highlighting the Republican Party's support of personhood laws. Ella Emhoff and Kerstin Emhoff also defended Harris, calling the claims 'baseless'. Vance's comments about 'childless cat ladies' are resurfacing in the new political climate, with Harris' blended family defending her as a loving co-parent. The debate surrounding Harris' lack of children highlights the importance of reproductive rights in the upcoming elections and could impact the gender gap in the electorate. Vance's conservative views on reproductive health, including opposition to abortion and IVF, add to the controversy. Aniston's comments on social media have garnered attention and support from Democratic women and organizations.
26. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Christian Lindner's Concerns Over Traffic Light Coalition's Future Due to Mützenich

Christian Lindner expresses worry over Rolf Mützenich's criticisms on various issues, aiming to close the budget gap and position SPD and Greens for the future. With the legislative window closing before the 2025 federal election, Lindner refrains from discussing coalition options until next year. Mützenich's objections to US weapons deployment and warnings about escalating risks add tension, as Lindner focuses on enhancing private pension attractiveness while his counterparts plan a wealth tax and increased debt. Disagreements on budget, security policies, and Mützenich's challenges to government decisions create uncertainty within the coalition.
24. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Extremist Activities Ended: Federal Ministry of the Interior Bans IZH Sponsoring Association

In a nationwide raid against radical Islamists, the Blue Mosque in Hamburg was targeted as an outpost of the Iranian regime. The Federal Ministry of the Interior banned the IZH sponsoring association, suspecting it of supporting the Hezbollah militia. Searches were conducted in 8 federal states, resulting in the confiscation of cash, mobile phones, laptops, and a safe. The Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution had been observing the mosque since 1993 and classified it as an 'instrument of the Iranian state leadership' since 2017. The large-scale raid on November 16, 2023, was part of extensive investigations. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser stated that the activities of these Islamists have been put to an end. The ban has led to new tensions with Iran, which condemned the action as 'Islamophobia.' However, Minister Faeser emphasized that the ban was targeting extremists and not Islam itself. The Hamburger Senate welcomed the ban as a blow against Islamic extremism. The Iranian government summoned the German ambassador in response and accused Germany of Islamophobia. The IZH has the option to challenge the ban in court. The situation has also affected the German-Iranian relations, which have been strained due to various issues such as human rights violations, Iran's nuclear program, support for the Russian war against Ukraine, Iran's destabilizing regional policies, bilateral cases, and direct attacks on Israel.
24. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Candidate Selection of the US Democrats

Candidate Selection of the US Democrats
Kamala Harris is widely supported within the Democrats, even if her nomination as presidential candidate is not yet certain. Much will depend on who Harris nominates as her running mate. The Democratic nominating convention in Chicago is less than four weeks away. Until then, the change of candidate must be organised properly and legally. Harris' immediate task until then is to get as many delegates and superdelegates as possible on her side and secure their support. Although Biden's endorsement of Harris carries weight and many party leaders have already backed Harris, her formal nomination is still pending. In order to have certainty quickly, a virtual vote on Harris' candidacy is being discussed before the party conference. The task here will be to find a strong candidate for the office of Vice President. Harris is focusing her current campaign on mobilising black, Latino, Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, female and young voters and expanding the battleground to key states.
24. Juli 2024 um 19:55

The Chancellor evades questions: Scholz remains the most important answer

Chancellor Olaf Scholz faced a barrage of questions from journalists at his summer press conference, but evaded giving clear answers to the most important question: why is he still the right candidate for chancellor? Despite facing poor approval ratings and dwindling support within his own party, Scholz remained confident and optimistic about his chances. He highlighted the achievements of his government, such as reducing unemployment and stabilizing energy prices, but failed to address the communication issues plaguing his administration. Scholz's evasive tactics and penchant for double negatives have become his trademark, making it difficult for listeners to follow his explanations. He expressed hope for the success of his Ampel coalition projects and stressed the importance of long-term thinking in his political approach. However, his self-assuredness may be at odds with the growing dissatisfaction among the public and the increasing speed and complexity of the world. The banning of the Blue Mosque in Hamburg, which was seen as a hub for extremism, and the record-breaking global temperature increase serve as reminders of the urgent challenges facing leaders like Scholz. Only time will tell if his gamble will pay off and if he can convince the electorate that he is the right choice for chancellor once again.
24. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Berlin and London agree on closer cooperation in weapons development

Germany and the UK have signed a joint declaration to deepen their military cooperation, specifically in the development, production, and procurement of weapons and ammunition. This agreement marks the first of its kind between the two countries. The focus of this collaboration includes the development of precision weapons, with Germany already partnering with France and other European countries. The aim is to bridge the European capability gap. Both countries also expressed their commitment to strengthening the European pillar within NATO and the alliance as a whole. The visit of the UK's Defence Secretary, John Healey, to Berlin emphasizes the desire for closer cooperation and the need to establish a new foundation for their relationship. Healey praised Germany's efforts in supporting Ukraine and announced the UK's intention to join the German precision weapons initiative. The new Labour government, under Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is prioritizing the renewal of relationships with European partners in various areas. This development is a significant step towards a deeper defence relationship between Germany and the UK, following strained relations after Brexit.
24. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Tehran summons German ambassador after ban on Islamic Center

The Iranian government has summoned the German ambassador in response to the ban on the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) by the German Ministry of the Interior. The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the ban a 'hostile action' that contradicts fundamental human rights principles and accuses Germany of Islamophobia. The ban was imposed due to suspicions that the IZH supports the pro-Iranian Lebanese Hezbollah militia and has connections to Iran. The ban has been welcomed by the Hamburg Senate, Interior Senator Andy Grote, and the American Jewish Committee Berlin. It is seen as a significant blow against Islamic extremism and a necessary step in protecting democracy and human rights. However, it is important to note that the ban is specifically targeted at the IZH and its affiliated organizations, not the peaceful practice of Islam as a whole. The ban is part of ongoing efforts by German authorities to combat Islamist extremism and ensure the safety and security of the country.
24. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Scholz Announces Candidacy for Chancellorship, Defense Budget Doubled, and Plans for Transatlantic Cooperation

Olaf Scholz, the current Chancellor of Germany's SPD, has announced that he will run again as the SPD's candidate for Chancellor. He believes in the possibility of Kamala Harris winning and emphasizes the need for economic reforms. The defense budget has been doubled to 76 billion euros, with plans to equip the Bundeswehr with 80 billion euros by 2028. The federal government aims to continue transatlantic cooperation, as Germany is a leader in security and defense in Europe. Scholz also addressed questions about the traffic light coalition, deportations, and foreign policy at a press conference. He plans to carry out deportations to Afghanistan and Syria and defend the concept of a citizen's income. Scholz describes the SPD as a united party ready to win the upcoming Bundestag election. He also highlights the importance of legal pathways for migration. Additionally, Scholz defends the planned stationing of US weapons in Germany as a deterrent against Russia and expresses the desire for a return to arms control. He believes in the importance of openness and clarity in Germany's immigration policy and expresses confidence in addressing the remaining challenges in the 2025 budget.
24. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Germany Bans Islamic Center Hamburg for Extremism and Hezbollah Support

Following extensive evidence analysis, the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Germany has banned the Islamic Center Hamburg for promoting Islamist-totalitarian ideologies, anti-Semitism, and supporting Hezbollah. Authorities conducted searches in eight states and seized assets. The ban received support from various political leaders, including Hamburg's Mayor and opposition figures. The center, accused of fostering extremism and ties to Iran and Hezbollah, failed in a legal challenge in 2022. The closure of four Shiite mosques associated with the center, including the prominent Blue Mosque in Hamburg, is imminent. The move is seen as a significant step in combating radical ideologies and terrorist affiliations in the country.
24. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Germany acts to protect Constitutional Court from extremist threat

Germany's government and opposition have taken steps to safeguard the Constitutional Court from a potential extremist takeover, amid concerns that far-right elements could undermine the rule of law. Taking inspiration from cases in Hungary and Poland where court independence has been eroded, Germany is implementing measures that would require a two-thirds majority to change the court's status, size, or judges' terms. Justice Minister Buschmann highlighted the vulnerability of a court if legislators have the power to alter its functioning. Proposed actions include preventing the blocking of judge appointments, allowing either the Bundestag or Bundesrat to make appointments if there are unnecessary delays. Green lawmaker Konstantin von Notz drew attention to the threats posed by autocratic regimes and far-right extremists to German democracy, likely referring to the AfD party. President Steinmeier has called for the protection of rule-of-law institutions.
24. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Ban on Islamic Center Hamburg: 'Blue Mosque' Sponsoring Association Shut Down

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH), labeled a propaganda hub for the Iranian regime by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The ban follows concerns of Islamism, anti-Semitism, and support for Hezbollah. The 'Blue Mosque' linked to the IZH will be closed, and its assets seized. Despite this, representatives have the option to challenge the ban at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig. The move comes after a nationwide raid targeting radical Islamists, with the 'Blue Mosque' in Hamburg being highlighted as an outpost for the Iranian regime. The IZH sponsoring association's prohibition stems from suspicions of aiding the Hezbollah militia. The search and seizure operations were carried out in eight federal states, confiscating cash, mobile phones, laptops, and a safe. The Hamburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been monitoring the IZH since 1993, branding it as an 'instrument of Iranian state leadership' since 2017. The significant crackdown on November 16, 2023, involved extensive investigations and was lauded by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser as a decisive halt to the activities of these extremists.
23. Juli 2024 um 19:55

'Take a Closer Look': Judgment Sparks Controversy over Deportations to Syria

A recent judgment by the Higher Administrative Court in Münster regarding the protection status of a Syrian individual has raised questions and sparked controversy. The court ruled that there is no longer a serious threat to civilians in Syria, but critics argue that the regime of dictator Assad still poses a danger. The decision has implications for the deportation of criminals and Islamist 'threats' to Afghanistan and Syria in the future. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees are continuously reviewing the decision-making process. Interior Minister Faeser and Foreign Minister Baerbock plan to re-evaluate the situation in Syria. The judgment is seen by some as detached from the reality in Syria, as the Foreign Office's report indicates an ongoing conflict situation.
23. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Tax Incentives for Attracting Foreign Skilled Workers

The German government is considering tax incentives to attract skilled workers from abroad. The plan is to exempt newly immigrated skilled workers from taxes on a percentage of their gross salary in the first three years. Other EU countries, such as Portugal, Spain, and Sweden, also offer tax breaks to attract foreign talent. However, these incentives are met with opposition from trade unions who fear a two-class tax system. Employers argue that other factors, such as simplified migration processes and faster recognition of foreign degrees, are more important. Economists question the effectiveness of tax incentives, citing high costs and doubts about their ability to address the shortage of skilled workers in Germany. The debate revolves around issues of equality, Germany's attractiveness as a destination, and the practical implementation of the tax incentives. It remains to be seen whether the German government will proceed with the tax incentives, as they seek to address the concerns of employers and ensure active utilization of the program.
22. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Chancellor Scholz Opens 25th World AIDS Conference in Munich

The 25th World AIDS Conference has begun in Munich, Germany, with thousands of experts from various fields coming together to discuss the fight against the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Chancellor Olaf Scholz will deliver a speech during the opening event. The conference, organized by the International Aids Society, includes participants from the scientific, healthcare, political, and media sectors, as well as affected individuals and donors. It is being held both in-person and virtually, with a total of approximately 18,000 attendees from around the world. The United Nations is calling for increased engagement in the fight against HIV/AIDS, highlighting the need to address high infection rates among at-risk groups and the lack of access to treatment for undocumented individuals. Despite a decline in new infections, the AIDS pandemic is not yet under control, particularly in Eastern and Southern Africa, where it remains most prevalent. Stigmatization and discrimination continue to hinder treatment efforts. The goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 is still far from being achieved, with improvements needed in terms of access to medication and reducing new infections in certain regions. Only about half of HIV-infected individuals in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are currently receiving treatment.
22. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Survey: Scholz's Support among SPD Members Low

Only a third of SPD members support Olaf Scholz as the party's chancellor candidate, according to a survey. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and Co-Party Chairman Lars Klingbeil are also mentioned as possible candidates. Many members doubt that the SPD will be the strongest party in 2025 if CDU leader Friedrich Merz becomes the chancellor candidate. Around half of the respondents expect the SPD to receive between 15 and 25 percent of the votes in the upcoming election. Only 55 percent of SPD members are satisfied with Scholz's work, while Klingbeil enjoys the support of 79 percent. In East Germany, skepticism is particularly high at 71 percent. Pistorius denied rumors of his own ambitions for a chancellor candidacy. The survey was conducted by Forsa and included 1001 SPD members.
22. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Russia Intercepts 75 Ukrainian Drones, Fires Iskander-M Missiles at Ukrainian Military Convoys

Russia claims to have intercepted 75 Ukrainian drones over border regions, including 47 over Rostov, 17 over the Black and Azov Seas, and 8 over Krasnodar, as well as individual drones over Belgorod, Voronezh, and Smolensk. In Tuapse, drone fragments caused a fire at an oil refinery, which was extinguished by around 100 security personnel with no injuries reported. Additionally, Russia reportedly launched Iskander-M missiles at two Ukrainian military convoys near Barvenkovo, destroying 60 military assets and killing over 200 Ukrainian troops. This attack highlights the vulnerabilities in Ukrainian air defenses and the ability of Russia to conduct precision strikes deep into Ukrainian territory. Ukraine has not yet commented on the reported attack. In another incident, Russian jets prevented two US B-52H bombers from violating their Barents Sea border, causing the bombers to change course. This comes after recent incidents of Russian jets colliding with a US drone in the Black Sea and conducting aggressive flybys near US ships.
21. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Baerbock Defends Deployment of US Long-Range Weapons in Germany

Foreign Minister Baerbock supports the deployment of US long-range weapons in Germany to deter Russia and protect Baltic allies against Putin's aggressive arsenal expansion. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine underscores the importance of maintaining peace in Europe. While SPD's Mützenich raises concerns about escalation risks, he acknowledges NATO's existing deterrence capabilities without new weapon systems. The planned deployment includes Tomahawk cruise missiles, SM-6 air defense missiles, and cutting-edge hypersonic weapons. Additionally, the German government aims to accelerate the construction of new arms factories to bolster national defense, emphasizing the need for stronger leadership in Europe amidst growing threats.
20. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden's Decision Looms as Pressure Mounts

Biden's Decision Looms as Pressure Mounts
As pressure mounts for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, the list of Democratic representatives calling for him to step aside continues to grow. Despite hopes to resume his campaign next week, Biden is confined to his beach house in Delaware, recovering from COVID-19 and reflecting on his future. Growing concerns over the drop in donations, new desertions in Congress, and the Democrats' deteriorating electoral prospects are taking their toll. Biden's campaign manager assures that he remains in the race, but two-thirds of Democratic voters favor a replacement. The US media have been speculating on Biden's potential withdrawal, using phrases like 'could' and 'seems'. While Biden's future remains uncertain, Republicans are preparing for a possible Kamala Harris candidacy and scrutinizing the records of Democratic governors as potential running mates. Biden's decision, if he chooses to step aside, could further divide the Democratic Party and result in the loss of the Black vote.
20. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Commemoration of Resistance against Hitler on the 80th Anniversary of the Assassination Attempt

On the 80th anniversary of the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, the leaders of the state and government will pay tribute to the resistance fighters against Nazi rule. A commemoration ceremony will take place in the courtyard of the Berlin Bendlerblock, where Chancellor Olaf Scholz will deliver a speech and lay a wreath with President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. In the afternoon, around 400 recruits of the Bundeswehr will take their solemn oath in the Bendlerblock. Chancellor Scholz will emphasize the threat to democracy, while Defense Minister Boris Pistorius will give the oath speech. The Bendlerblock, now the location of the Ministry of Defense, was where Hitler assassin Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg and other conspirators were executed after the coup attempt in 1944. On this anniversary, Chancellor Scholz calls for the protection of democracy and highlights Germany's responsibility in the Ukraine conflict. The event also includes a discussion with descendants of the Hitler assassins, Alfred von Hofacker and Annette von Schlabrendorff, who reflect on the day's significance for their country and families.
20. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Belarus proposes 'solutions' for German sentenced to death

The government in Belarus is reportedly proposing 'solutions' in the case of a German man sentenced to death in the country. The man, who was convicted on charges of terrorism and mercenary activity, has been in custody since November 2023. The process is related to the Kastus-Kalinouski Regiment, a Belarusian volunteer group fighting against Russia. The international human rights organization Wjasna brought attention to the case, which has been partly held behind closed doors. The German Foreign Office and the embassy in Minsk are providing support to the man, with consular access granted. Belarus is the only European country that still carries out the death penalty, and executions are not made public nor are bodies handed to families. Belarus is a close ally of Russia.
20. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Global IT Outage Paralyzes Air Travel and Causes Chaos Worldwide

Global IT Outage Paralyzes Air Travel and Causes Chaos Worldwide
A global IT outage, caused by a bug in a CrowdStrike update, has resulted in widespread disruption to air travel, rail traffic, and broadcasting in numerous countries. Major airports such as Berlin's BER and Sydney's airport experienced shutdowns, while airlines like Delta, United, and American Airlines suspended operations. The impact also extended to hospitals and media outlets. The outage affected countries including Australia, Singapore, the USA, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, India, and Indonesia. The magnitude of the disruption was unprecedented, according to cybersecurity experts. CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm responsible for the flawed update, has since found a solution. While the situation is slowly improving, there are still delays and cancellations at some airports, and passengers are advised to check their flight status. The outage highlights the vulnerability of global technological infrastructure and the need for businesses to have contingency plans and diversify their cloud services. It serves as a reminder that even routine software updates can have significant consequences.
20. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Pistorius Insists on Change in Financial Policy - Reprimand from Mützenich

Pistorius Insists on Change in Financial Policy - Reprimand from Mützenich
Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius criticizes the compromise of around 53 billion euros for next year's defense budget and instead demands around 58 billion euros. He questions the financial policy course of the traffic light coalition and wants more money for the Bundeswehr to ensure the security of Germany in the face of the threat from Russia. SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich rejects Pistorius' proposal as the defense budget is increasing and the debt brake should be adhered to. Mützenich continues to emphasize the possibility of declaring an emergency situation. Despite the cabinet's decision on the budget, Pistorius will continue to fight for more money for the Bundeswehr in the parliamentary process in September. The final decision is scheduled for the end of the year. Mützenich criticizes the planned deployment of Tomahawk missiles and hypersonic weapons in Germany, warns of the risk of escalation, and calls for arms control and the withdrawal of US nuclear weapons that could be dropped by Bundeswehr aircraft. He emphasizes the need to improve defense capability in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
20. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Germany's Historical Responsibility: Support for Ukraine and Preparing for a Second Trump Term

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz justifies Germany's support for Ukraine by invoking the country's historical responsibility in light of the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler 80 years ago. Scholz condemns Russia's war against Ukraine and emphasizes the need to protect democracy against extremism. Meanwhile, Green European politician Anton Hofreiter rejects concerns about the deployment of US missiles in Germany, stating that it could contribute to more security. On the other hand, SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich opposes the delivery of cruise missiles to Ukraine, emphasizing that Germany is already providing arms, financial, and humanitarian aid. Russian state propaganda reacts with satisfaction to the death of Ukrainian politician Iryna Farion, while a Russian drone attack disrupts the power and water supply in the Poltava region of Ukraine. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes Ukraine is on its way to self-sufficiency militarily and highlights the commitment of over 20 countries to provide support even if the US withdraws. As the possibility of a second Trump term looms, Germany needs to prepare for potential challenges in defense and trade, particularly with respect to rising tariffs and gas prices. It is crucial for Germany to strengthen its defense capabilities and work towards a united and strong European Union to effectively address these challenges.
20. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Russia Attacks Energy Infrastructure in Ukraine, Blinken Discusses Aid in Case of Trump Election Win, and More

In the latest updates from the war in Ukraine, Russia has attacked an energy facility in the Sumy region, damaging the infrastructure in the city of Konotop. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stated that even if the US were to withdraw its support under a different president, more than 20 other countries have pledged to maintain military and financial aid for Ukraine. The Russian government is considering stricter measures for direct censorship of critical voices on Russian social networks. The Kremlin is reportedly concerned about the long-term social and political impact of the return of Russian veterans from the war in Ukraine. Warsaw announced that it will not participate in the recruitment of the first Ukrainian Legion, and volunteers will be able to return to Poland after their service. In a tragic incident, a child was killed in a rocket strike in the city of Mykolajiw, and the Ukrainian General Staff has published new casualty figures for Russian troops in Ukraine. These developments highlight the ongoing conflict and its impact on various aspects of the region.
20. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Biden Faces Calls to Withdraw as Speculation Mounts

Biden Faces Calls to Withdraw as Speculation Mounts
Joe Biden's campaign chair acknowledges a decline in support but maintains that he will stay in the race. However, pressure is mounting from within the Democratic Party for him to drop out. Kamala Harris is being considered as a potential alternative nominee. Biden's declining poll numbers, concerns from party leaders, and calls for withdrawal from over 28 Democrats in Congress contribute to the speculation. Biden's allies compare his situation to Julius Caesar and there is a growing sense that his campaign is coming to an end. Despite this, Biden insists that he has polling evidence showing he could still win. Meanwhile, Biden reportedly feels betrayed by his allies, as advisers discuss the details of a possible withdrawal. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has expressed support for an open nomination process if Biden drops out, favoring Kamala Harris as the potential candidate. Overall, there is a belief among Democrats that a change in the presidential nominee is becoming inevitable.
20. Juli 2024 um 09:00

The Brief – No time for a honeymoon period this summer

European leaders face a packed summer of summits, with key challenges including maintaining EU unity on Ukraine support, addressing Trump 2.0 and US isolationism, reining in Viktor Orbán's controversial diplomacy, and facing rocky EU-China ties under Ursula von der Leyen's hawkish leadership. Von der Leyen is focused on de-risking from Beijing and bolstering ties with Indo-Pacific allies. However, obstacles such as the American presidential election and member states' resistance to economic security strategy may hinder her plans. The EU's most powerful members face political vulnerability, leaving a power void for the European Commission to fill. The appointment of a college of commissioners and the upcoming vote on permanent duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles will shape the EU-China relationship for the next five years. Europe's shift to the right under von der Leyen's re-election consolidates anti-immigration policies and poses challenges for progressive forces.
19. Juli 2024 um 23:55

FDP's Kubicki Criticizes Merz and Plans to Run Again Despite Announced Withdrawal

FDP's Kubicki Criticizes Merz and Plans to Run Again Despite Announced Withdrawal
Friedrich Merz criticizes FDP for lack of support for von der Leyen's re-election, while Wolfgang Kubicki wishes Merz a 'good journey into the abyss' with the Greens. Kubicki, despite previously announcing his withdrawal, plans to run again in the upcoming Bundestag elections due to FDP's low poll numbers and the problematic situation in the traffic light coalition. The 72-year-old FDP vice-chairman and Bundestag vice-president aims to lead the FDP with party leader Christian Lindner towards a double-digit voter approval. Kubicki criticizes the Ampel-Koalition and sees FDP's situation as challenging because of the Ukraine conflict. While ruling out a ministerial position, he considers the fight for freedom rights as his last battle in this legislative period. Additionally, Klaus von Dohnanyi, a 96-year-old former Social Democrat politician, supports Sahra Wagenknecht and her new alliance. Von Dohnanyi criticizes Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Ukraine policy and the SPD for giving up on peace policy. He sees the conflict as a proxy war against Russia on behalf of the US and calls for a diplomatic solution considering Russian security interests. Despite his disappointment with the SPD, von Dohnanyi does not plan to leave the party.
19. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Biden's Future Uncertain as Pressure Mounts for Him to Withdraw

Biden's Future Uncertain as Pressure Mounts for Him to Withdraw
Speculation is growing that President Biden may withdraw from the race, as calls for his resignation increase among Democrats. Biden is recovering from COVID-19 and feeling 'betrayed' by his allies. While his campaign insists he will stay in the race, there has been a decline in support and growing doubts about his ability to defeat Trump. Several Democratic officials have urged Biden to step aside, and there are reports that he is considering his options. Kamala Harris is being touted as a potential replacement nominee. The Democratic National Committee is pushing ahead with plans to nominate a candidate, and the timetable for a possible withdrawal is tightening. Biden's declining poll numbers, the drop in donations, and the desertions in Congress are all contributing to the pressure. While Biden insists he can win, there is a sense among some that 'it's game over' for his campaign. As the speculation continues, the focus now shifts to whether Biden will make the decision to withdraw and who could potentially take his place as the Democratic Party's nominee.
19. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Trump Vows High Tariffs on China-Made Cars

In his acceptance speech as the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump pledged to impose high tariffs on car imports, including those from China, with the aim of revitalizing the US auto manufacturing industry. While he did not repeat his previous promise to impose 60% tariffs on Chinese goods, Trump maintained a tough stance on trade with China. He criticized President Joe Biden's support for electric vehicles, calling them 'green new scams.' Experts suggest that Trump's targeting of specific industries, such as EVs, may have limited impact on China, as the US is a small market for Chinese electric car manufacturers. However, there may still be room for the US and China to address their trade disputes and potentially revive the 2020 Phase 1 trade agreement requiring China to buy an additional $200 billion of American goods and services.
19. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Ukraine War: Updates on Drones, Military Tax, Power Outages, Trials, and Diplomacy

Ukraine is increasing the supply of drones to its army, potentially surpassing Russia in drone numbers. The Ukrainian government plans to raise the military tax from 1.5% to 5% on income to finance the fight against Russia. The German Ambassador in Kyiv reports that power outages are a daily occurrence, impacting people's lives and industrial production. The trial against US reporter Evan Gershkovich for alleged espionage is nearing its end, with closing arguments expected soon. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has invited Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to address his Cabinet and discuss curbing Russia's 'war machine.' Zelenskyy has discussed the prospects of joint defense production with British companies. He also thanked King Charles for his audience and urged Western allies to use their own means to shoot down Russian missiles and drones. The Ukrainian General Staff has released new casualty figures for Russian troops in Ukraine, and Chancellor Scholz announced plans to fight Russia's 'shadow fleet' of old tankers. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg called for continued US support for Ukraine, while Chancellor Scholz rejected Zelenskyy's request to shoot down Russian missiles and drones. Ukraine's AI-enabled war drones are being developed to counter signal jamming and achieve higher strike rates.
18. Juli 2024 um 19:55

USA: Barack Obama Loses Confidence in Joe Biden

USA: Barack Obama Loses Confidence in Joe Biden
Former President Obama, along with top politicians Pelosi, Schiff, Jeffries, and Schumer, are questioning Joe Biden's candidacy. Biden has faced criticism after a weak TV debate against Trump and testing positive for COVID-19. He has withdrawn to his private home in Delaware with mild symptoms, belonging to the risk group. There are doubts about Biden's chances of winning the election, and Democrats are calling for his withdrawal. Obama wants to protect Biden's legacy and has spoken with Pelosi about it. The decision about Biden's candidacy lies with him, but Biden is still expressing his ambitions. Public opinion polls show that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden should withdraw from the race, and only 30% are confident in his ability to serve as president. The events have created a sense of two campaigns heading in opposite directions, with Trump appearing strong at the Republican Party convention. Biden's health issues have also come under scrutiny, with him suggesting that he would consider dropping out if new health problems emerge. Even Biden's allies are struggling to defend him, with Senator Bernie Sanders admitting that Biden has trouble completing sentences. The situation has put Biden's campaign in chaos while Trump's campaign is on the rise.
18. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Pistorius Vows to Secure More Funding for Soldiers

Verteidigungsminister Pistorius beim NATO Summit in Austin, 10. Juli 2024
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has pledged to continue fighting for a larger defense budget to meet the needs of the Bundeswehr. Pistorius expressed disappointment with the coalition's budget planning, emphasizing the urgent need for more funds. Despite the compromise reached by the government, Pistorius highlighted that the defense budget would need to increase in the coming years. He warned that Russia could potentially pose a threat to NATO territory and emphasized the need for the rapid modernization of the Bundeswehr. Pistorius also stressed the strategic importance of space for Germany's defense and advocated for increased presence in the space domain. However, the proposed defense budget for 2025 shows only a modest increase, raising concerns about Germany's ability to fulfill its NATO commitments. Critics argue that the budget cuts to military aid for Ukraine will hinder Germany's military role and question the government's resolve to take a stronger stance militarily.
18. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Ukraine War Updates: Espionage Claims, Defense Minister's Statement, and Drone Attacks

Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, claims to have 'irrefutable evidence' of espionage by imprisoned US journalist Evan Gershkovich. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius acknowledges the need to be prepared to defend against aggression, while the mayor of Novorossiysk warns of drone attacks. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy commemorates the downing of a passenger plane ten years ago. Germany's Bundeswehr sees an increase in applicants, and Ukrainian casualties mount in the battle for a bridgehead. In Kyiv, air raid alerts sound as drones attack the city. Estonia and Lithuania ban vehicles with Belarusian license plates. Meanwhile, incoming UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy considers new restrictions on using Western weapons against Russia. Russia's advances in Ukraine come at a cost, as they suffer losses and face tension with Western powers.
18. Juli 2024 um 14:59

European Parliament's Condemnation of Viktor Orbán's Visit to Moscow

Vladimir Putin & Viktor Orban, 5. Juli 2024
The European Parliament has condemned Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow, calling for retaliatory measures. The resolution criticizes Hungary for blocking aid to Ukraine and expresses support for Ukraine. The condemnation has faced opposition from far-right parties such as Reagrupamiento Nacional and the European Conservatives and Reformists. Other parties, including Socialists and Democrats, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, and Podemos, also oppose Orbán's actions. The resolution mentions various political figures, including Giorgia Meloni, the President of the European Council Charles Michel, and Ursula von der Leyen. Furthermore, the Patriots for Europe group, which includes Vox, and the Maltese Social Democrats voted against the resolution. In response to Orbán's actions, the European Commission has boycotted meetings organized by the Hungarian presidency. Orban's visit has also been criticized by Ukrainian President Zelenskiy at a leaders' meeting in the UK, where he accused Orbán of betraying Europe and called for unity among leaders.
18. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy
Adam Schiff, a prominent Democratic representative, has called on US President Joe Biden to forgo his candidacy for a second term. Schiff expressed serious doubts about Biden's ability to defeat his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, and urged him to pass on the torch. The plan to fast-track Biden's nomination through an online vote has faced increasing criticism within the Democratic Party. Schiff praised Biden's merits and acknowledged him as one of the most important presidents in the nation's history, but emphasized the need for him to step aside and preserve his legacy. Despite concerns within the party about Biden's age and health, he has insisted on remaining the candidate. However, around 20 Democratic congress members and one senator have called for his withdrawal. The Democratic Party aims to hold the online vote before August 1st, but critics argue against rushing the process. A significant majority of Democrats want Biden to step aside, according to a recent poll by the Associated Press and NORC.
18. Juli 2024 um 09:00

US Allies Reassess China Strategy Amid Rising Odds of Trump Re-Election

The attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump has raised concerns among US allies in Europe and Asia about the potential implications of a Trump re-election. Allies are likely to reassess their approach towards China, with some potentially recalibrating their strategies. In Europe, there is concern that a Trump victory could lead to increased pressure on NATO and a more transactional approach to foreign policy. Japan and South Korea are also preparing for the possibility of a Trump re-election, with concerns over increased demands on defence spending. The Philippines, which has deepened ties with the US amid tensions with China in the South China Sea, is also considering the impacts of a Trump victory. Allies may seek to enhance economic standing and pursue a more conciliatory approach towards China to mitigate potential pressures from a new Trump administration.
18. Juli 2024 um 09:00

European Political Community Summit: Struggles, Relevance, and Future

The European Political Community (EPC) summit, held in the UK, brings together leaders from 47 European countries to discuss urgent issues such as the Ukraine crisis, illegal migration, and security. However, the relevance and feasibility of the EPC format have been increasingly questioned, with concerns over its existence and lack of concrete results. The UK government, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, aims to renew its relationship with Europe and improve cooperation in areas such as border security and defense. The summit also addresses the post-western world, with discussions on China, India, Turkey, and Brazil's ties with Russia. Turkey's President and the European Commission President are absent from the summit, raising questions about future participation. As the EPC struggles to stay relevant, diplomats suggest reducing the frequency of meetings. The next EPC summit is scheduled to be held in Budapest, but participation may be uncertain due to current political tensions.
18. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Ukraine War in Live Ticker: Key Updates

The Ukraine war continues to unfold with various developments. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy commemorates the victims of the downing of MH17, calling for fair punishments. The battle for Krynki results in heavy losses for Ukraine. Air raid sirens sound in Kyiv as drones attack the city. Estonia and Lithuania ban cars with Belarusian plates. Zelenskyy welcomes the return of 95 prisoners from Russia. Moscow sentences two Russians for trying to join a paramilitary unit fighting against Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov blames the US for the violence in Ukraine and the Palestinian territories. The Netherlands commemorates the 10th anniversary of the MH17 disaster, calling for justice. In other news, Germany plans to halve military aid to Ukraine, and several countries ban Belarus-registered cars from entering their borders.
18. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Ursula von der Leyen faces crucial vote for second term as EU Commission President

Ursula von der Leyen, the incumbent President of the EU Commission, is facing a crucial vote in the European Parliament for her second term. She needs 361 votes for re-election and has been reaching out to various political groups to secure support. While major groups have backed her, there is expected to be some dissent. The Greens, in particular, will play a key role in deciding her fate based on her program, which is expected to focus on boosting EU competitiveness, continuing the Green Deal, and addressing Ukraine's EU accession and the hybrid threat from Russia. The outcome is still uncertain, but a rejection would lead to a leadership vacuum and uncertainty for the European Union. Von der Leyen's coalition has been carefully crafted, but defections are a possibility. She will present her political program in a speech before the vote, addressing compromises on contentious issues such as the combustion engine ban and funding for Gaza and Palestine. The vote will determine the future leadership of the EU Commission and its direction in the coming years.
17. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Steinmeier pays tribute to Merkel's achievements on the occasion of her 70th birthday

Steinmeier pays tribute to Merkel's achievements on the occasion of her 70th birthday
Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised Angela Merkel's achievements as she turns 70. He highlighted her role in shaping a united Germany and commended her resilience, sense of duty, and humanity. The SPD leader, Saskia Esken, admired Merkel's empathy and ability to seek common ground. However, Union parliamentary group deputy leader Jens Spahn criticized Merkel's handling of mass migration, her ties with Russia, and the decision to phase out nuclear power. A YouGov poll indicated that 61% of respondents believed Germany had worsened since Merkel's tenure, with 28% attributing it to the current government's policies. Merkel, the first female German chancellor, played a pivotal role in politics and became a role model for many.
17. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Defense Minister Pistorius Frustrated Over Budget Wrangling

Defense Minister Pistorius Frustrated Over Budget Wrangling
Defense Minister Pistorius, along with Inspector General Breuer, is disappointed with the proposed Bundeswehr budget increase of only 1.25 billion euros, significantly less than the demanded 6.7 billion euros. Finance Minister Lindner recognizes the urgent need for increased defense spending by 2027. Pistorius emphasizes that operational readiness, soldier equipment, ammunition procurement, spare parts, and digitization are top priorities. He warns of potential Russian attacks on NATO territories and pledges to continue advocating for a higher defense budget to address material gaps. The German government plans to reduce military aid to Ukraine from 7.48 billion euros in 2023 to 4 billion euros in 2025. The defense budget will increase by 1.3 billion euros, but Pistorius is pushing for an additional 6 billion euros. Lindner acknowledges the growing budget deficit and stresses the importance of growing the economy through structural reforms and business-friendliness. However, the projected budget gaps of 9 to 17 billion euros by 2028, along with increasing defense and welfare expenditures, pose financing challenges for Germany. Lindner remains committed to his approach and aims to lead by example in fiscal policy. The CDU-led state governments are open to easing debt regulations to accommodate greater investment volumes. Nevertheless, these short-term goals clash with the need for immediate revenue generation. The fate of Lindner's initiatives relies on the cooperation of the states. Integration into the labor market is crucial for reducing rising welfare costs, and Lindner highlights the importance of work and integration as a humanitarian obligation. However, the provision of childcare facilities falls under the purview of local and state governments, and Lindner acknowledges the need for improvement in this area.
17. Juli 2024 um 19:55

'Special Opponent': Schröder Congratulates Merkel on Her 70th Birthday

'Special Opponent': Schröder Congratulates Merkel on Her 70th Birthday
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has praised Angela Merkel as a 'special political opponent' on her 70th birthday. Schröder, who narrowly lost to Merkel in the 2005 federal election, commended her northern charm and ability for irony. Merkel's successor Olaf Scholz and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also wished her well. Merkel, who led the CDU from 2000 to 2018, is celebrating her birthday privately, focusing on the upcoming release of her memoirs. In retirement, she has engaged in various cultural activities, including lectures and fictional appearances. Merkel's legacy includes her leadership during the financial crisis, refugee crisis, and COVID-19 pandemic, as well as her diplomatic relations with world leaders such as Putin and Trump. Her memoirs, co-written with her adviser, will shed light on her decision-making process and personal experiences. Despite her retirement, Merkel remains a prominent figure in literature and TV, appearing in works by László Krasznahorkai, Vladimir Sorokin, and David Safier.
17. Juli 2024 um 15:08

EU Parliament: Metsola remains President - Two Germans elected as Vice Presidents

Die Präsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments Roberta Metsola am 16. Juli 2024 in Straßburg
Roberta Metsola has been re-elected as President of the European Parliament, with two German politicians elected as Vice Presidents. Metsola emphasized the need to bridge the gap between people's expectations of Europe and what it can achieve. She also stressed the importance of a strong parliament that advances the laws citizens want and need. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Metsola and expressed his appreciation for her support. The European Parliament also elected 11 Vice Presidents, including Sabine Verheyen from the CDU and Katarina Barley from the SPD. The election of Metsola and the Vice Presidents is part of the package of appointments for top European positions agreed upon by EU leaders. Ursula von der Leyen, the current President of the European Commission, is seeking re-election but faces challenges and needs the support of various groups. EU Parliament President Metsola expressed her hope for good cooperation with António Costa, the future President of the European Council. The appointment of Ewa Kopacz as Vice President of the European Parliament was also confirmed, while Toni Comín questioned Metsola's democratic legitimacy.
17. Juli 2024 um 15:08

Angela Merkel: Celebrating 70 Years and Acknowledging Her Political Legacy

Angela Merkel: Celebrating 70 Years and Acknowledging Her Political Legacy
As Angela Merkel celebrates her 70th birthday, she receives praise from politicians and colleagues for her impressive political career, including the reunification of Germany and the promotion of democracy in East Germany. While some criticize her decisions, Merkel's accomplishments in guiding Germany through various crises, such as the financial crisis, the refugee crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, cannot be denied. She has left a lasting impact on Germany and Europe by providing stability and leadership. Merkel's ability to understand and empathize with others has been commended, with her talent for seeking common ground in negotiations and finding compromise. However, there are differing opinions on the state of Germany after Merkel's tenure, with a majority feeling that the country has deteriorated. Some attribute this decline to the policies of the current government under Olaf Scholz, while others blame external factors. Nevertheless, Merkel's legacy as a significant chancellor who steered Germany through unprecedented challenges remains undeniable. As she enters her retirement, Merkel chooses to focus on personal interests such as arts and culture, declining public events, and granting rare interviews. Her upcoming memoirs will provide insights into her decision-making process on crucial issues like Russia's war and energy security. Angela Merkel's tenure will be remembered as a time of significant change and stability for Germany and Europe.
17. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Ursula von der Leyen Faces Crucial Hurdle in EU Commission Leadership

Ursula von der Leyen, the first woman at the helm of the powerful European Commission, is seeking re-election. However, she faces challenges as she needs the support of various political groups in the European Parliament. Her party, the European People's Party (EPP), has a majority with the Socialists and Liberals, but there are many potential dissenters. Von der Leyen is reliant on the support of the Greens and right-wing parties, which is risky given her party's demands for a tougher migration policy and revisions to the Green Deal. The support of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was conditional on von der Leyen not forming alliances with parties to the right of the CDU/CSU. The biggest challenge in her new term will be cooperation with the United States, especially if Donald Trump is re-elected. Von der Leyen's previous term was marked by crisis management, including the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's attack on Ukraine. MEPs will have to decide if she can effectively address the challenges facing the EU, including the rise of the far right, environmental commitments, and demands for a stronger stance on migration.
17. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Study: Citizen's Income has Little Impact on Employment of Ukrainian Refugees

According to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), social transfer payments such as citizen's income have little impact on the employment rate of Ukrainian refugees. Factors such as social networks, English language skills, childcare, and healthcare play a more significant role. Germany's employment rate for Ukrainian refugees is in the middle range at 27%, while Lithuania, Denmark, and Poland have the highest rates. The study also found that the focus on learning the German language hampers employment opportunities. The IAB researcher, Theresa Koch, suggests that comprehensive integration increases the long-term probability of employment. The study highlights the need for a holistic approach to refugee integration, considering various social factors. Since the start of the war, over a million Ukrainians have sought refuge in Germany, with 135,000 being employed in April and 112,000 enrolled in integration courses in June. The German government plans to decrease military aid to Ukraine from €7.48 billion in 2023 to €4 billion in 2025. However, the defense minister is pushing for an additional €6 billion, utilizing interest from Russian assets and G7 funds.
17. Juli 2024 um 11:55

The European Parliament's Sanitary Cordon: Key Messages

The European Parliament has excluded extremist groups from vice-presidencies, applying a 'sanitary cordon'. The move has left parties such as Fidesz, National Rally, and Alternative for Germany without representation. In contrast, the European Conservatives and Reformists, including Giorgia Meloni's Brothers of Italy, secured two vice-presidencies. Fabrice Leggeri, former director of Frontex, also failed to obtain a vice-presidency. Spanish MEPs Javi López and Esteban González Pons were elected as vice-presidents. Roberta Metsola was re-elected as President of the European Parliament, which could bode well for Ursula von der Leyen's confirmation as President of the European Commission. This coalition between the European People's Party, Socialists and Democrats, Liberals, and Greens has been crucial in curbing extremist groups. The 'cordon sanitaire' implemented by pro-European centre parties has effectively isolated the far-right Patriots for Europe group, who failed to secure any vice-president spots despite being the third largest group. The EU must maintain continuity and decisive leadership by keeping Ursula von der Leyen as Commission President, especially as the EU faces challenges from Putin, Xi, and internal populism.
17. Juli 2024 um 11:55

Plus Initiative for Growth: Federal Cabinet Puts 2025 Budget on Track

The Federal Cabinet has put the 2025 budget on track by adopting the draft and forwarding it to the Bundestag. The budget, which includes economic policy impulses to boost growth, has been a subject of controversy within the coalition. Finance Minister Christian Lindner sees this as the start of the economic transformation. The budget includes investments of 78 billion euros, a record level, and new loans of 43.8 billion euros. The government plans to spend more than 480 billion euros next year, with a focus on reviving the economy, maintaining social benefits, and addressing international security. However, there are still some ideas that are on shaky ground. The budget resolution in the Bundestag is scheduled for the end of November. The budget includes tricks such as optimistic economic forecasts, global expenditure reductions, and the conversion of subsidies into loans to meet the debt brake. There are concerns about the financing of a potential high supplementary budget. The opposition parties and the Bundestag will have a final say on the budget. The budget has also received criticism from the CDU for not being constitutionally sound and from the Left Party for not addressing future challenges adequately.
17. Juli 2024 um 09:04

Reflecting on Angela Merkel's 70th Birthday and Her Political Legacy

Reflecting on Angela Merkel's 70th Birthday and Her Political Legacy
As Angela Merkel celebrates her 70th birthday, her achievements as the former Chancellor of Germany are being honored by her peers and scrutinized by her critics. Current Chancellor Olaf Scholz praised Merkel's impressive political career, which began with the reunification of Germany and the triumph of democracy in the East. He highlighted their regular conversations and recent meeting at a reception hosted by the Federal President. Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier also expressed his heartfelt congratulations, emphasizing Merkel's endurance, sense of duty, and humanity. However, within her own party, critical voices have emerged. Jens Spahn, the vice-leader of the Union faction, identified three significant mistakes during Merkel's chancellorship, including the handling of mass irregular migration, insufficiently adapting to Russia's actions, and the decision to support the nuclear phase-out. Meanwhile, a recent Yougov survey revealed that a majority of Germans believe that the country's conditions have deteriorated since Merkel stepped down, with some attributing this decline to the policies of the current government under Scholz. However, Merkel's crisis management skills continue to be highly regarded, with 55% of Germans considering her more crisis-proof than Scholz, according to a Forsa survey. As Merkel's political memoirs are set to be published in the fall, her legacy and the impact of her leadership will be further examined and debated.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:57

Life Amidst Fear and Destruction: The Reality of Ukrainians in the War Zone

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the lives of its citizens. Unofficial reports suggest that Ukrainian troops have been forced to give up positions in the southeast of the country due to extensive destruction caused by Russian pressure. The fighting in villages like Krynky and Urozhaine has been criticized for its hopelessness. Ukrainian soldiers continue to face danger and uncertainty as they use 'expired' ammunition on the battlefield. The UN Refugee Agency has announced a new aid package of $100 million to support Ukraine in its preparations for winter and to help the displaced population. Meanwhile, Ukraine has destroyed a Russian S-300 air defense system in the occupied Donetsk region. The Ukrainian government is also facing potential reshuffling, with rumors of Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal being forced to resign. The Baltic states have taken steps to disconnect from the Russian power grid and connect to the European power grid. Amidst all the challenges, Ukrainians are trying to maintain a sense of normalcy and resilience in their daily lives, incorporating fear and humor as a form of resistance. Despite the constant threat of attacks, they continue to go about their routines, living in the moment and finding strength in their unity.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:55

Gerhard Schröder praises Angela Merkel as 'special' political opponent

Gerhard Schröder praises Angela Merkel as 'special' political opponent
Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has praised Angela Merkel, his successor, as a 'special political opponent' on her 70th birthday. Schröder, who was defeated by Merkel in the 2005 race for the Chancellorship, commended her 'typical North German charm' and her 'ability to use irony'. Federal President Steinmeier also sees Merkel as a role model and a 'hallmark of our democracy'. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder also paid their respects. However, there was a rift between Merkel and former CSU chairman Horst Seehofer during the migration crisis. CDU politician Jens Spahn criticized Merkel's approach to dealing with Putin's Russia and nuclear energy. Despite some criticism, the majority of Germans view the Merkel era positively, with many missing her leadership. The nuclear phaseout and suspension of compulsory military service are controversial topics, with support from AfD supporters and rejection from AfD sympathizers. Overall, Merkel is seen as a better crisis manager than Scholz.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:53

Challenges and Doubts Surrounding the 2025 Federal Budget

The Federal Cabinet has approved the draft budget for 2025 and the financial planning up to 2028, after long and difficult negotiations. The budget amounts to 480.6 billion euros, with an additional supplementary budget for 2024 and new borrowing of 43.8 billion euros. However, there are legal doubts and concerns raised by CDU politician Helge Braun, Chairman of the Budget Committee, regarding the budget's feasibility. He warns of potential budget freezes and cuts in funding programs, highlighting a significant gap of 17 billion euros. Finance Minister Christian Lindner's plans to plug these gaps with a shadow budget are met with skepticism. The draft budget also faces challenges from various ministries, such as Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, who is unhappy with the allocated budget increase, and Development Minister Svenja Schulze, who expresses dissatisfaction with her budget. The budget also raises questions about the future of child basic security and the need for adjustments in defense spending. The draft budget is heavily reliant on assumptions and hope, including revenue from a growth initiative and expected decreases in spending on citizen's income. However, uncertainties remain, as the budget has yet to pass the Bundestag and Bundesrat, and there are upcoming economic figures and tax estimates that could impact budget calculations. The final approval of the budget and financial planning is expected to be a challenging process, akin to a marathon, with the last meters potentially being the toughest.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:53

US Senator Menendez's Conviction Marks a Political Downfall

Senator Bob Menendez has been found guilty on all 16 criminal counts, including bribery, in a federal corruption trial. The conviction, which he plans to appeal, solidifies his dramatic political downfall as prosecutors accused him of selling his office for personal gain. This outcome is deemed a significant triumph for the US Justice Department and federal prosecutor Damian Williams. Menendez's involvement in accepting bribes from businessmen for political favors, as revealed during the trial, underscores the severity of the corruption charges. With his wife facing separate charges and a history of mistrial, Menendez's conviction paints a stark picture of misconduct by a prominent political figure, making him only the seventh serving senator to be convicted in such a manner.
17. Juli 2024 um 00:00

The Ban on Jürgen Elsässer's 'Compact' Magazine: A Blow to Right-Wing Extremism

Jürgen Elsässer's magazine 'Compact' has been banned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, marking a significant blow to the right-wing extremist scene. Elsässer, a former leftist, has become a key player in the right-wing extremist movement, using 'Compact' as a platform to promote right-wing ideologies and conspiracy theories. The ban comes as a result of the magazine's incitement against Jews, people with a migration background, and parliamentary democracy. 'Compact' has been influential in drumming up support for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and has attracted a significant following, with reported circulation and YouTube subscribers in the tens of thousands. However, the ban does not come without risks, as it raises concerns about press freedom and the limits of free speech. Critics argue that while 'Compact' spreads hateful and extremist ideologies, a resilient rule of law must tolerate such publications. The success or failure of the ban will be crucial in determining the boundaries of press freedom and the level of tolerance for extremist viewpoints in German democracy.
16. Juli 2024 um 20:13

European Parliament Elects New Leadership Amidst Shifting Political Landscape

Today, the newly constituted European Parliament begins the process of electing its own leadership for the next five years. With a more conservative center and the rise of far-right factions, the 'Game of Thrones' for power in the EU is intensifying. The center alliance, consisting of the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, and Liberals, holds a majority in the parliament and will play a crucial role in shaping decisions. However, there are divisions within the alliance, particularly regarding climate goals and EU debt. The influence of the Greens has weakened, as they are courted by some factions while kept at a distance by others. The far-right parties, including Fidesz and the National Rally, have formed new factions and are asserting their positions against the EU institutions. The newly elected members of the European Parliament have the power to appoint the leadership and potentially create a leadership chaos if Ursula von der Leyen does not receive the necessary votes for re-election as Commission President. The parliamentary landscape is also witnessing debates on key issues such as the end of combustion engines and stronger commitment to environmental protection. Overall, the European Parliament is navigating a shifting political landscape as it sets up a defense committee and confronts the challenges of the future.
16. Juli 2024 um 15:21

Germany Bans 'Compact' Magazine: A Blow Against the 'New Right'

The German government has banned the far-right Compact magazine, accusing it of inciting hatred and undermining democracy. The magazine, known for its tabloid-style articles, has been published since 2010 and has a circulation of around 40,000 copies. It is ideologically close to the AfD party and is considered a central actor in the networking of the 'New Right'. The ban includes the sale of the magazine, its website, and symbols associated with it. Compact's editor, Jürgen Elsässer, has expressed outrage at the ban, calling it an 'attack on press freedom'. The ban does not directly impact the AfD, but it deprives the right-wing fringe of the party of a platform for disseminating its content. The ban on Compact raises questions about the balance between press freedom and the need to counter right-wing extremism in Germany. This ban, while relatively rare, highlights the government's commitment to protecting democracy and combating hate speech and extremist ideologies.
16. Juli 2024 um 15:12

J.D. Vance: From Working-Class Child to Trump Disciple

Trump gibt die Wahl von Senator J.D. Vance zum Vizepräsidenten bekannt
J.D. Vance, the Ohio senator and author of 'Hillbilly Elegy,' has undergone a remarkable transformation in his political views. Once a sharp critic of Donald Trump, Vance is now a fervent supporter and has been named as Trump's running mate for the upcoming election. Vance's upbringing in the steel town of Middletown, Ohio, played a significant role in shaping his life and politics. His bestselling book provided insight into the struggles of the white working class and resonated with many who ultimately supported Trump. However, Vance's nomination has not been without controversy, with critics accusing him of being an extremist and questioning his views on issues such as abortion. Despite the criticism, Vance's nomination highlights the deep divide within American politics and the growing influence of Trumpism.
16. Juli 2024 um 09:09

Reflecting on Angela Merkel's Chancellorship at 70: A Mix of Criticism and Praise

Reflecting on Angela Merkel's Chancellorship at 70: A Mix of Criticism and Praise
As Angela Merkel celebrates her 70th birthday, reflections on her tenure as Chancellor emerge with a mix of criticism and praise. Former Health Minister Jens Spahn offers a balanced assessment, criticizing aspects of her refugee policy, relations with Russia, and the nuclear energy phase-out, while acknowledging her reforms and economic successes. Merkel's era saw stability in the pension system, the introduction of a retirement age of 67, successful management of the financial crisis, increased research funding, and reduced youth unemployment. However, Spahn points out three significant mistakes during her leadership: irregular migration since 2015, handling of Putin's Russia, and the nuclear phase-out. SPD leader Saskia Esken praises Merkel's exceptional empathy and compromise skills, highlighting similarities in their paths to party leadership. Merkel's centrist competence and strategic positioning are credited with strengthening Germany and Europe, despite the mix of opinions on her legacy.


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