2024-09-19 09:00:09

Germany's Asylum Law Under Debate

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Brandenburg's Interior Minister, Michael Stübgen, has sparked controversy by calling for the abolition of the individual right to asylum enshrined in Germany's Basic Law. Stübgen suggests replacing it with refugee contingents, arguing that the Geneva Refugee Convention already provides necessary protections.

He asserts that the current asylum system is unsustainable, citing high migration pressures as a strain on resources. This proposal comes just days before a critical state election in Brandenburg, where the AfD poses a significant challenge to the ruling parties.

Critics, including Green Party leader Omid Nouripour, have condemned Stübgen's stance, likening it to far-right rhetoric of the 1990s. Nouripour emphasizes that genuine solutions must not violate human rights or international agreements.

In Bavaria, Prime Minister Markus Söder's decision to stop all COVID-19 fine proceedings has also generated debate, reflecting ongoing tensions in Germany's domestic policies. Meanwhile, Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent figure on the left, has criticized CDU leader Friedrich Merz's foreign policy as dangerous, yet sees potential for regional coalitions between the Left and CDU in Eastern Germany.

As Germany navigates these complex political landscapes, the federal government faces increasing pressure from various factions to address issues ranging from migration and public health to foreign policy and accessibility.

18. September 2024 um 21:14

Scholz's Confidant: German Government Nominates SPD Politician Annen as UN Refugee Commissioner

Annen, a close confidant of Scholz, is set to become the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; he has held various SPD offices; the current High Commissioner Filippo Grandi is in his second term, Germany is the second largest donor to UNHCR, which oversees the Geneva Refugee Convention and operates with over 20,000 employees in more than 130 countries.
19. September 2024 um 02:26

Ramelow wütend bei Maischberger: Keine Unterstützung einer CDU-geführten Koalition - n-tv.de

Ramelow wütend bei Maischberger Keine Unterstützung einer CDU-geführten Koalition Thüringens Noch-Ministerpräsident Ramelow will einer von der CDU geführten Koalition nicht zu einer Mehrheit verhelfen. In der ARD-Talkshow "Maischberger" zieht der Linken-Politiker ein entsprechendes Angebot zurück. Die Mehrheit einer Koalition könne es nur mit allen Abgeordneten seiner Fraktion geben, sagt Ramelow. Thüringen dürfe nicht erneut von einer Minderheitsregierung geführt werden. Er könne sich vorstel..
19. September 2024 um 03:44

U16 Election in Brandenburg: Youth Center, Discos and Social Media Lost

In elections in the East, young people vote to the right. U16 election in Brandenburg: AfD and the left-nationalist alliance Sahara Wagenknecht win.
19. September 2024 um 04:53

Wagenknecht: "Merz would massively endanger Germany"

Brandenburg's Interior Minister Stübgen (CDU) speaks out in favor of abolishing the individual right to asylum in the Basic Law in order to introduce refugee contingents. Sahra Wagenknecht sees opportunities for a coalition of the Left and the CDU in the east, but criticizes CDU leader Merz's foreign policy positions as dangerous for Germany. Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder (CSU) wants to discontinue all Corona fine proceedings in Bavaria, and the AfD parliamentary group has failed with its law..


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