2024-09-18 23:55:08

Brandenburg's Election Dilemma: Pale Candidates and Complex Coalitions

As Brandenburg approaches its state elections, the political landscape appears fragmented and uncertain. The leading candidates, including Minister-President Woidke (SPD), AfD's Berndt, and CDU's Redmann, seem uninspiring to many voters.

Woidke defends the Tesla factory while criticizing green energy plans, Berndt addresses the beaver problem affecting dikes, and Redmann expresses frustration over deportation policies. The rise of the AfD complicates potential coalition formations, with many parties aiming to prevent an AfD minority hold.

Campaigns by organizations like Campact focus on supporting democratic parties to counter the AfD's influence. The possibility of a coalition remains murky, with various permutations being debated.

Concerns over underfunded hospitals and environmental challenges also feature prominently in voter concerns. Additionally, the broader political discourse includes strong opinions on potential alliances, especially the CDU/CSU's stance against forming a coalition with the Greens.

This fragmented political scenario sets the stage for a challenging and unpredictable election outcome.

18. September 2024 um 12:53

Who with whom in Brandenburg?: These are the possible coalitions after the state election

If the forecasts come true, the Brandenburg state parliament will lose color after the election on September 22. At the same time, a strong result for the AfD is to be expected. This does not make the formation of a government any easier. Who can work with whom?
18. September 2024 um 15:00

Brandenburgers Concerned: These Topics Are Burning the Strongest

Shortly before the state election on Sunday, a Civey survey shows what is troubling the citizens. This pays into the account of the AfD.
Frankfurter Rundschau
18. September 2024 um 14:46

Coalitions: Self-Built Trap

All parties have problems with exclusionism; SPD squandered the takeover of government through coalition exclusions; Merz excludes a coalition with the Greens, although former alliances are no longer possible.
18. September 2024 um 15:42

This special rule could become a lifeline for small parties

In Brandenburg, a direct mandate for the state parliament is sufficient for entry, which benefits the Greens, the Free Voters and the Left. In 2014, Christoph Schulze (Free Voters) moved in, and in 2019 Péter Vida could repeat this. The Greens are hoping for a direct mandate in Potsdam. In 2014, the Left won four direct mandates, in 2019 none. The basic mandate clause also applies at the federal level, in Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Berlin, with higher hurdles. Normally, the five percent hu..


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