2024-09-04 13:29:08
Climate Change

Restructuring EU Agricultural Policy: Expert Dialogue Recommends Holistic Approach

An expert dialogue has recommended a comprehensive restructuring of the EU agricultural policy, focusing on the environment, animal welfare, distressed farmers, employees, livable rural areas, global competition, climate change, subsidies, and framework conditions. The transition to a balanced, healthier, and more sustainable diet is also deemed crucial for a successful transformation.

The recommendations, although non-binding, have been welcomed by Bundesagrarminister Cem Özdemir. The need for change is emphasized by experts, who believe that now is the time for transformation.

The topic of agricultural policy was significant in the recent European elections, and the appointment of a new EU-Agrarkommissar remains uncertain. The recommendations highlight the importance of livable rural areas and involve representatives from agriculture, retail, science, and civil society.

In addition, the experts stress that farmers are facing challenges from global competition and climate change. Other recommendations include tax breaks on food, the introduction of animal welfare labels, and the review of food labeling.

The report commissioned by Ursula von der Leyen aims to address farmer protests and promote a fairer system for farmers, who often sell their products below cost price.

4. September 2024 um 02:08

Von der Leyen presents report on EU agricultural policy

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will present a report on the future of European agricultural policy in Brussels on Wednesday (11:00 am). The paper summarizes a "strategic dialogue" on the agricultural industry. Von der Leyen had launched the discussion forum in January after farmer protests in several EU countries. Farmer and environmental associations as well as the food industry participated.
4. September 2024 um 10:09

Expert council issues recommendations: EU examines tax cuts on food - n-tv.de

The expert council recommends tax cuts on food and a new animal welfare label to improve agriculture. Von der Leyen wants to review the proposals to develop a new vision for food and agriculture in Europe.
4. September 2024 um 10:22

Experts advise Brussels to adjust CAP subsidies to the income level of farmers

The expert report recommends reforming the CAP to adjust direct payments to farmers according to their income level, not just by area. It proposes a system based on the economic viability of each beneficiary, not on area-based subsidies. It also suggests incentives for more ecological practices and a Just Transition Fund to support long-term changes such as the conversion to regenerative or organic methods. The reform aims to prevent land abandonment, ensure decent incomes, and prioritize farm..
The Guardian
4. September 2024 um 11:19

Europe’s farming lobbies recognise need to eat less meat in shared vision report

European food and farming lobbies, green groups, and stakeholders collaborated on a shared vision report calling for urgent, ambitious changes to agriculture and diets. The report acknowledges Europeans eat more animal protein than recommended, and proposes support for plant-based proteins, reform of the common agriculture policy (CAP) subsidies, and a "just transition fund" to help farmers adopt sustainable practices. Ursula von der Leyen commissioned the report to address farmer protests. The..
4. September 2024 um 11:36

Experten zur EU-Agrarpolitik: Für billigere Lebensmittel und Tierwohlkennzeichnung - DER SPIEGEL

Die Experten empfehlen Steuervergünstigungen, ein Tierwohlkennzeichen und Überprüfung der Lebensmittelkennzeichnung. Umfragen unter Landwirten sollen deren Position stärken. Der Bericht wurde von Peter Strohschneider verantwortet. Von der Leyen will ein faireres System für Landwirte, da diese oft ihre Produkte unter Erzeugerpreis verkaufen müssen.


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