2024-08-26 17:55:08

Trump Pays Tribute to Victims of Kabul Attack at Arlington Ceremony

Former President Donald Trump attended a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to honor the victims of the devastating terrorist attack at Kabul airport. Trump, who is running against Kamala Harris in the upcoming election, used the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan as a focal point in his campaign, criticizing the Biden administration's handling of the situation.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden spent the week at his private home in Delaware and has not had any public events. The attack in Kabul, which claimed the lives of over 170 Afghan civilians and 13 US soldiers, remains a key topic of discussion in the election campaign.

Both Trump and Biden, along with Harris, expressed their condolences for the fallen soldiers, although Biden and Harris were not present at the ceremony. Trump's visit to Arlington coincided with the third anniversary of the attack.

26. August 2024 um 15:51

Trump Attends Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Third Anniversary of Kabul Airport Attack

Former president Donald Trump paid a visit to Arlington National Cemetery on the third anniversary of the attack outside the Kabul airport that killed 13 US service members and about 170 Afghan civilians.This footage was posted by Florida Representative Mike Waltz, who said it shows Trump with the family members of two of the troops killed in the attack.Trump took part in a wreath-laying ceremony to honor the victims of the attack, according to reports.President Joe Biden issued a statement on..
26. August 2024 um 15:06

Trump lays wreath to mark 3 years since Kabul airport attack that killed US troops

Former President Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and will address the National Guard Association in battleground Michigan to mark the 3rd anniversary of the Kabul airport attack that killed 13 U.S. troops and at least 170 Afghan civilians, with dozens more wounded. Trump criticized the "weakness and incompetence" of VP Harris and President Biden over the "botched" Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden and Harris honored the fallen soldiers, with Harris def..
26. August 2024 um 15:04

Trump visits Arlington Cemetery to mark 3rd anniversary of Kabul airport attack

Former President Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Monday to mark the 3rd anniversary of the suicide bombing in Afghanistan that killed 13 service members.
26. August 2024 um 15:31

Deadly Attack in Kabul: Trump at Wreath-Laying Ceremony

Donald Trump pays tribute at a wreath-laying ceremony in Arlington to the U.S. soldiers who were killed in a suicide attack in Kabul. The families of the victims are also present. Trump criticizes Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan as the "most embarrassing moment".
Frankfurter Rundschau
26. August 2024 um 15:31

Tödlicher Anschlag in Kabul: Trump bei Kranzniederlegung

Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Trump nutzt den Anschlag in Kabul als Angriffsfläche im Wahlkampf gegen Biden, den er für den chaotischen Abzug aus Afghanistan verantwortlich macht. Trump will nach der Präsidentenwahl am 5. November wieder ins Weiße Haus einziehen und tritt gegen Bidens Vize Kamala Harris an. Biden verbringt diese Woche in seinem Privathaus in Rehoboth Beach in Delaware und hielt sich vergangene Woche auf dem Luxusanwesen eines Freundes in Kalifornien auf, bevor er..
26. August 2024 um 15:31

Tödlicher Anschlag in Kabul: Trump bei Kranzniederlegung

Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Trump erinnerte bei einer Kranzniederlegung in Arlington an die Opfer des verheerenden Selbstmordanschlags am Flughafen Kabul. Biden erklärte die Opfer als "Patrioten im besten Sinne", Harris teilte mit, dass sie um die getöteten US-Militärs trauere. Weder Biden noch Harris waren anwesend. Trump will nach der Präsidentenwahl am 5. November wieder ins Weiße Haus einziehen und tritt gegen Kamala Harris an.
26. August 2024 um 15:31

US-Wahlkampf: Tödlicher Anschlag in Kabul: Trump bei Kranzniederlegung

Donald Trump gedenkt bei einer Kranzniederlegung in Arlington der US-Soldaten, die bei einem Selbstmordanschlag am Flughafen Kabul während des US-Truppenabzugs getötet wurden. Dabei starben über 170 Afghanen sowie 11 US-Soldaten und 2 US-Soldatinnen. Trump, der bei der Präsidentenwahl am 5. November gegen Kamala Harris antritt, kritisiert den chaotischen Abzug auf seiner Plattform Truth Social und wirft der Biden-Regierung Inkompetenz vor. Biden hält sich diese Woche in seinem Privathaus in Re..


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