2024-08-23 13:29:07

New Funding for Climate Protection in SMEs and CCS

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The German government, led by Robert Habeck, has allocated 3.3 billion euros until 2030 to support the transition to more climate-friendly production methods and CO2 storage. Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for funding starting from 500,000 euros, while large companies can apply starting from 1 million euros.

Federal states will participate with 30 percent for projects with a volume of 15 million euros or more. The funding primarily targets energy-intensive industries such as steel, glass, ceramics, paper, and cement, as well as the controversial carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, with a focus on hard-to-avoid CO2 emissions in lime, cement, thermal waste treatment, basic chemicals, glass, and ceramics.

The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable practices. The funding aims to complement existing climate protection agreements and is not compatible with other forms of funding.

The CCS technology, which involves capturing and storing CO2, remains a topic of debate, with proponents seeing it as a crucial tool for achieving climate goals, while critics express concerns about its potential to delay the transition away from fossil fuels.

23. August 2024 um 12:08

Climate Crisis: Robert Habeck Provides More Than Three Billion Euros for Green Industrial Projects - DER SPIEGEL

Federal Minister of Economics Habeck is providing 3.3 billion euros for green industrial projects. Funding for companies in the energy-intensive basic materials industry, capture and storage of CO₂. The new funding complements climate protection contracts and addresses the SME sector.
23. August 2024 um 11:22

Companies: New Funding for Climate Protection in Medium-Sized Businesses and CCS

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is providing 3.3 billion euros by 2030 to support the transition to more climate-friendly production methods and CO2 storage. Small, medium and large companies can apply for funding; states are participating from 15 million euros. Energy-intensive industries such as steel, glass, ceramics and cement as well as CO2 capture and storage are being supported.
23. August 2024 um 11:23

New funding for climate protection in SMEs and CCS

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck plans to promote climate-friendly production and CCS with 3.3 billion euros by 2030. Projects over 500,000 euros for SMEs, over 1 million euros for large companies are eligible for funding. From a project volume of 15 million euros, the federal states participate with 30%. The money comes from the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF). The funding is aimed at energy-intensive industries such as steel, foundry, glass, ceramics, paper, and cement.
Frankfurter Rundschau
23. August 2024 um 11:22

New Funding for Climate Protection in SMEs and CCS

New funding for climate protection in SMEs and CCS. Federal Minister of Economics Habeck wants to promote the transition to more climate-friendly production and CO2 storage with 3.3 billion euros by 2030. Eligible are projects from 500,000 euros for SMEs and 1 million euros for large companies, with a 30% participation of the federal states from 15 million euros. Energy-intensive industries such as steel, glass, ceramics and cement as well as CCS technology will be funded.
23. August 2024 um 11:21

Neue Förderung für Klimaschutz im Mittelstand und CCS

Habeck foerdert Klimaschutz in Industrie mit 3,3 Mrd. Euro bis 2030. Unternehmen ab 500.000 Euro foerderberechtigt. Bundeslaender beteiligen sich mit 30 Prozent ab 15 Mio. Euro Projekten. Foerderung aus Klima- und Transformationsfonds. Schwer vermeidbare CO2-Emissionen foerderfaehig, z.B. Kalk, Zement, Glas.


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