2024-08-22 05:50:08
Climate Change

Antarctic Glaciers: Stability and Potential Sea-Level Rise

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Recent studies suggest that the drastic collapse of Antarctic glaciers is less likely, easing fears of rapid sea-level rise. While the 'Doomsday Glacier' Thwaites may not crumble rapidly, concerns about global sea-level rise persist.

Although extreme scenarios of over 2 meters by 2100 seem improbable, a rise of up to 1 meter remains a possibility, shaping coastal planning strategies. The Antarctic ice sheet's resilience challenges previous high-end sea-level rise projections, crucial for policymaking.

Additionally, as ice buffers melt, Antarctic ecosystems face threats from invasive species, diseases, and floating debris, highlighting the urgent need for environmental protection measures.

Earth Sciences News - Earth and Environmental Sciences
21. August 2024 um 18:00

Modeling study finds highest prediction of sea-level rise unlikely

A Dartmouth-led study, including researchers from the University of Michigan, University of Edinburgh, University of St. Andrews, Northumbria University, and University of Stirling, challenges the IPCC's high-end projection of 50-foot sea-level rise by 2300 due to Antarctic ice sheet collapse. They tested the hypothetical MICI mechanism using high-resolution models and found it unlikely to occur in the 21st century. While the Thwaites Glacier is vulnerable to MISI, leading to accelerated ice l..
New York Times - World
21. August 2024 um 18:00

‘Worst-Case’ Disaster for Antarctic Ice Looks Less Likely, Study Finds

West Antarctica's ice sheet is vulnerable; catastrophic sea-level rise is possible if emissions remain high; ice cliffs may collapse, leading to runaway collapse; computer simulations by Mathieu Morlighem of Dartmouth College suggest this scenario is less likely; the ice sheet will disappear, the question is how fast.
21. August 2024 um 19:00

‘Doomsday Glacier’ May Not Melt As Quickly As Feared—But It’s Still Disappearing Fast, Study Finds

Dartmouth professor Mathieu Morlighem cautions that while the Thwaites 'Doomsday' Glacier is rapidly melting, high-end projections of its collapse are important for accurate coastal planning, as the glacier's eventual collapse could devastate low-lying regions worldwide.
21. August 2024 um 18:09

Thwaites Glacier won’t collapse like dominoes as feared, study finds, but that doesn’t mean the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is stable

Ice loss from Thwaites Glacier and the wider Antarctic ice sheet contributes to global sea level rise, with people's choices today determining how quickly the water rises. While Thwaites may not collapse as rapidly as once feared, its fate and that of the Antarctic ice sheet remain critical concerns.


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