2024-08-16 09:00:09

The Origin of the Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid

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Scientists have discovered that the Chicxulub asteroid, a carbonaceous chondrite from outside the solar system, caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago. The collision led to the planet being covered in ash and fatal climate changes.

The asteroid's origin was determined by measuring ruthenium isotopes in sediment samples from the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. It was found to be a C-type carbonaceous asteroid that formed beyond Jupiter's orbit and created the Chicxulub crater.

This research refutes the previous theory of a comet impact. Similar C-type asteroids may have impacted Earth billions of years ago, while more recent impacts were caused by asteroids from within the solar system.

16. August 2024 um 06:10

Where did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs come from?

Scientists have discovered that the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs originated from outside the solar system. The Chicxulub asteroid formed far away and headed towards Earth, creating a giant crater.
Planetary science news
16. August 2024 um 08:28

Scientists pinpoint dino-killing asteroid's origin: past Jupiter

Researchers used precise ruthenium isotope measurements of sediment samples from the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary to determine the C-type carbonaceous asteroid that formed beyond Jupiter's orbit and created the Chicxulub crater, triggering a mega-earthquake and global winter, was the culprit behind the mass extinction 66 million years ago.
heise online
16. August 2024 um 08:11

Asteroid likely caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, not a comet | heise online

An international team of researchers found evidence that a carbon-rich asteroid struck near Chicxulub in Mexico 66 million years ago, leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs. They used a new method with ruthenium isotopes to identify the impactor, which was a very primitive and carbon-rich stony meteorite type, a so-called carbonaceous chondrite. Previously, a comet impact was also discussed, which was thrown from Jupiter towards the Sun and torn apart there. Previous chemical analyses with..
16. August 2024 um 08:49

Der Asteroid, der die Dinosaurier tötete - DER SPIEGEL

Der Asteroid, der die Dinosaurier vor 66 Mio. Jahren auslöschte, war ein Ausnahme-Ereignis: Er stammte aus dem äußeren Sonnensystem und war ein kohlenstoffreicher C-Asteroid, nicht aus dem inneren Sonnensystem oder ein Komet. Ähnliche C-Asteroiden stürzten vermutlich auch in der Frühphase der Erde vor 3,2-3,5 Mrd. Jahren ein, während jüngere Einschläge von Asteroiden aus dem inneren Sonnensystem verursacht wurden.


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