2024-07-26 19:55:08

'Disastrous' Russian Birth Rate Puts Country's Future at Risk, Kremlin Says

The Kremlin has expressed concern over the 'disastrous' birth rate in Russia, stating that it poses a risk to the country's future. According to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskow, the current birth rate of 1.4 children per woman is comparable to that of European countries and Japan, but is catastrophic for the nation's future.

Peskow emphasized that anyone with many children is considered a 'hero,' but also denied President Vladimir Putin's political responsibility for the demographic crisis. He stated that measures to increase the birth rate will not have immediate effects.

The birth rate in Russia has remained at a similarly low level since the 1990s, when a deep social and economic crisis led to a decline in births. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic, the influx of refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, and a decrease in immigration to Russia have further exacerbated the situation.

Peskow acknowledged that increasing the birth rate is a priority for President Putin, and the government is working diligently on the issue. However, the spokesperson noted that the question of the birth rate is a global trend and requires ongoing attention.

World - South China Morning Post
26. Juli 2024 um 17:15

‘Disastrous’ Russian birth rate putting country’s future at risk, Kremlin says | South China Morning Post

Kremlin addressing 'disastrous' Russian birth rate, tackling demographic challenges post-USSR collapse. Issues include ageing population, men leaving due to Ukraine conflict, lowest fertility in 17 years. Birth rate at 1.4 per woman, comparable to Europe, Japan. Government incentivizes large families. Covid-19 deaths and migration impact population decline. Population may drop to 130 million by 2040s. Kremlin acknowledges global trend, assures focus on issue.
25. Juli 2024 um 22:20

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 20:31 "Katastrophal": Geburtenrate alarmiert den Kreml +++ - n-tv.de

Der Kreml hat die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Russland als "katastrophal für die Zukunft der Nation" bezeichnet. "Wir leben im größten Land der Welt und werden von Jahr zu Jahr weniger", sagt Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow nach Angaben der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Tass. Die Geburtenrate in Russland liegt Peskow zufolge derzeit bei 1,4 Kindern pro Frau. Dies sei "vergleichbar mit europäischen Ländern, Japan und so weiter, aber katastrophal für die Zukunft der Nation". Weiter sagt Peskow: "Jeder..
26. Juli 2024 um 19:24

"From year to year less and less": "Catastrophic" birth rate alarms the Kremlin - n-tv.de

Russia is experiencing a "catastrophic" birth rate, which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov describes as "comparable to European countries, Japan and so on, but catastrophic for the future of the nation". The birth rate is 1.4 children per woman. The situation has been exacerbated by COVID-19 deaths, the flight of hundreds of thousands of people from mobilization, and a decline in immigration.


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