2024-07-18 09:00:08

Ursula von der Leyen campaigns for re-election as EU Commission President with a focus on defense and e-fuels

Image courtesy of : AFP

Ursula von der Leyen, the EU Commission President, is campaigning for a second term with a vision to strengthen Europe through prosperity, protection, and democracy. She plans to launch a 'Clean Industrial Deal' and establish a European Defense Union with an air defense shield and a defense commissioner.

The European Parliament will vote on her re-election, and she needs the support of the European People's Party, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens, and right-wing factions. Von der Leyen emphasizes the importance of Europe shaping its own future and expresses support for Ukraine.

Additionally, she proposes exceptions for e-fuels in the context of the EU's climate targets. However, the approval of von der Leyen's re-election depends on her political program and gaining enough votes from various political groups.

It remains uncertain whether she will secure an absolute majority of 361 votes. The outcome of the vote will determine whether she will continue as President of the European Commission for another five years.

The Guardian
18. Juli 2024 um 09:59

Ursula von der Leyen’s future as EU chief rests on knife-edge as MEPs prepare to vote

Ursula von der Leyen faces a knife-edge vote to confirm her second term as European Commission president. While backed by major groups, defections are expected. She must address EPP concerns on competitiveness and calls to weaken environmental laws. The Greens, potential kingmakers, will decide based on her program, which is expected to focus on boosting EU competitiveness, continuing the Green Deal, funding the green transition, and addressing Ukraine's EU accession and the hybrid threat from..
18. Juli 2024 um 04:40

Von der Leyen’s carefully crafted coalition faces first test

Von der Leyen, the incumbent European Commission President, faces a crucial vote in the European Parliament on Thursday. She has been meeting with various political groups, including the Left, Conservatives, and Greens, to secure the 361 votes needed for reelection. The centrist alliance of EPP, S&D, and Renew Europe granted her the nomination, but some dissent is expected, with France's Les Républicains and liberal German MEPs expressing reluctance. Von der Leyen has reached out to the Greens..
18. Juli 2024 um 05:43

Ursula von der Leyen faces opposition from Czech MEPs

Exiled Spanish MEP-elect Toni Comín questions the democratic legitimacy of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, accusing her of being influenced by Spain's Partido Popular.
18. Juli 2024 um 04:56

Ursula von der Leyen faces opposition from Czech MEPs

Ursula von der Leyen faces opposition from most Czech MEPs, including 7 from the Patriots for Europe group (ANO party). She is likely to secure votes from only 5 EPP and 3 ECR Czech MEPs out of 21. Czech MEPs like Alexandr Vondra, Veronika Vrecionová (ECR), Klára Dostálová (Patriots for Europe), and Kateřina Konečná (Czech Communist Party, NI) oppose her, while Markéta Gregorová (Pirates, Greens/EFA) plans to decide based on her stance. But Tomáš Zdechovský (EPP) thinks von der Leyen will pass..
18. Juli 2024 um 05:17

Tschechische Abgeordnete lehnen von der Leyen mehrheitlich ab

Mehrheit der tschechischen Europaabgeordneten lehnt Wiederwahl von Ursula von der Leyen ab; Unterstützung nur von EVP und EKR erwartet; Abgeordnete Vondra, Vrecionová, Krutílek, Dostálová, Konečná und Gregorová äußern Ablehnung oder Unentschlossenheit; EVP-Abgeordneter Zdechovský erwartet jedoch Wahl von der Leyens aufgrund Ergebnissen der Vizepräsidentenwahlen; Konečná kritisiert von der Leyens Rolle in Corona-Pandemie und Verhandlungen mit Pharmaunternehmen.


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