2024-07-17 11:55:00

EU Court of Auditors Criticizes Unrealistic Goals in EU Commission's Hydrogen Strategy

The European Court of Auditors has criticized the unrealistic goals set by the EU Commission in its hydrogen strategy. The production and import targets for green hydrogen by 2030 are considered too ambitious and not realistic.

The Commission's lack of a complete overview of the necessary investments and the differing ambitions of EU states have hindered progress. The report highlights problems in the value chain that threaten competitiveness and strategic dependencies.

The EU needs to update its hydrogen strategy to address these challenges. Additionally, the Commission's funding for the hydrogen industry is scattered across multiple programs, making it difficult for companies to access the right resources.

The EU's dependence on a few states for strategically important energy carriers is also a concern. Despite these criticisms, there are already numerous green hydrogen projects in operation in the EU, and some goals, such as sourcing 42% of hydrogen from renewable sources by 2030, are legally mandated.

Hydrogen remains a key element in decarbonizing the energy industry.

17. Juli 2024 um 03:00

Green hydrogen for sustainable transport: by land, sea and air

Green hydrogen will be key to decarbonizing all modes of transport in Europe; Enagás is driving the Spanish hydrogen infrastructure, which will be part of Europe's first hydrogen corridor together with Portugal, France and Germany.
17. Juli 2024 um 06:30

Green Hydrogen: EU Court of Auditors Dismantles Commission's Strategy - DER SPIEGEL

The EU will fail to meet its ambitious goals for green hydrogen - this is stated in a report by the European Court of Auditors. The EU could even end up in new dependencies, according to the report. This article is part of the SPIEGEL+ offering. You can read it without a subscription because it was given to you as a gift. Hydrogen is considered a key element of the green energy transition in Germany and Europe. However, the planned massive expansion of imports and production is only making slow..
Tagesschau - Wirtschaft und Börsen-Nachrichten
17. Juli 2024 um 06:41

Report of the EU Court of Auditors "Modest Successes" with Green Hydrogen

According to the EU Court of Auditors, the EU has only achieved "modest successes" in the field of green hydrogen. The targets for 2030 are considered too ambitious and unrealistic. There are issues along the value chain that could lead to loss of competitiveness and new strategic dependencies. The European Commission needs to update its hydrogen strategy and set more concrete, achievable goals.
heise online
17. Juli 2024 um 10:14

Hydrogen strategy: EU auditors criticize EU Commission's goals | heise online

The European Commission has presented a hydrogen strategy that, according to the European Court of Auditors, contains unrealistic goals. The strategy envisages an electrolysis capacity of 40 GW by 2030. However, there are concerns whether the potential for hydrogen production in the EU can be fully exploited and which industrial sectors should be maintained in the EU. It is also unclear how EU funds should be prioritized across the different parts of the value chain.
17. Juli 2024 um 08:41

El Gobierno anuncia ayudas de 2.300 millones para hidrógeno y renovables con fondos europeos

Medio Ambiente
Las ayudas de 2.300 millones se financiarán con fondos del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de la UE, e incluyen 1.200 millones para hidrógeno renovable, 750 millones para la cadena de valor de renovables, 250 millones para proyectos innovadores de renovables y almacenamiento, 120 millones para comunidades energéticas, además de 300 millones a 30 proyectos pioneros y 230 millones a 40 proyectos de cadena de valor de hidrógeno.


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