2024-07-16 15:23:51

Roberta Metsola Re-elected as President of the European Parliament with Overwhelming Majority

Image courtesy of : AFP (FREDERICK FLORIN)

Roberta Metsola, a conservative politician from Malta, has been re-elected as President of the European Parliament with a large majority. She received over 90% of the votes, the highest share of any Parliament President.

Metsola, who has been a member of the European Parliament since 2013, is the second politician to be elected for a second term as President. Her opponent, Irene Montero from the Spanish party Podemos, failed to secure enough votes.

During her first term, Metsola was known for her defense of Malta's strict abortion ban and her support for Ukraine in the wake of Russia's war of aggression. Metsola emphasized the importance of a strong parliament that can better control other institutions, particularly the European Commission.

This re-election is part of the personnel package for the top European positions. In addition to Metsola, 14 Vice-Presidents were also elected, with some positions claimed by far-right groups.

The European Parliament plays a crucial role in shaping the policies and legislation of the European Union, and Metsola's re-election signifies continuity in the leadership of the institution.

16. Juli 2024 um 10:33

Metsola re-elected to second term as EU Parliament president with large majority

Roberta Metsola re-elected as EU Parliament president; defeated Irene Montero of Podemos; will serve 2.5 more years.
Tagesschau - Internationale Nachrichten aus aller Welt
16. Juli 2024 um 11:07

Re-election with a large majority Metsola remains President of the European Parliament

Roberta Metsola, a Maltese Christian Democrat, was re-elected as President of the European Parliament by a large majority. She is the second politician after SPD politician Martin Schulz to be elected for a second term.
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Die konservative Metsola wird als Präsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments wiedergewählt

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16. Juli 2024 um 12:16

EU-Parlamentspräsidentin Roberta Metsola wiedergewählt - n-tv.de

Roberta Metsola, eine Christdemokratin aus Malta, wurde als Präsidentin des EU-Parlaments wiedergewählt. Sie gehört dem Mitte-Rechts-Bündnis EVP an und genießt länder- und parteiübergreifend breite Unterstützung. Ihre einzige Gegenkandidatin kam von der Linken-Fraktion.


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