2024-07-13 19:58:15

Escalating Tensions: Ukraine, Russia, and the Threat of Missile Deployments

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Tensions in Eastern Europe are escalating rapidly as reports emerge of significant military developments in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Russia has issued warnings in response to the potential deployment of long-range missiles in Germany by the USA, threatening countermeasures and highlighting the risk of European capitals becoming targets.

The Ukrainian intelligence service is on high alert, fearing a renewed Russian invasion from the north but refrains from detailed comments. Meanwhile, Ukraine has intensified its targeting of Crimea, a crucial base for Russia's invasion, using American-made precision missiles to disrupt Russian occupation forces.

The Kremlin's rhetoric has been confrontational, with warnings of potential missile strikes on European capitals if the US missile deployment proceeds. Amidst these tensions, the dynamics of the air war over Ukraine have shifted, with Russia employing new tactics such as stand-off bombing, drone assaults, and guided glide bombs to outmaneuver Ukrainian defenses.

As the situation unfolds, the strategic moves and counter-threats by all parties involved underscore the volatile nature of the region and the potential for wider conflict.

Yahoo News
13. Juli 2024 um 08:17

Russia's showing NATO its hand in the air war over Ukraine

Russia has adapted its air tactics, using stand-off bombing, drone and missile barrages, and guided glide bombs to overcome Ukraine's air defenses. Russian bombers have pummeled Ukraine with long-range missiles, while fighter-bombers have bombarded defensive lines.
New York Times - World
15. Juli 2024 um 14:02

Ukraine Is Targeting Crimea, a Critical Base for Russia’s Invasion

Ukraine is targeting Crimea, a critical base for Russia's invasion, with American-made precision missiles. This marks a new strategic push by Kyiv to raise the cost for Russian occupation forces that have long used the peninsula as a base of operations. While unlikely to have much effect on the front line, Ukraine's campaign with the long-range ATACMS missiles aims to force the Kremlin to deploy its air defenses to protect critical military infrastructure in Crimea.
12. Juli 2024 um 22:10

Ukraine War Live Ticker: +++ 4:22 PM Shahed Drone Reportedly Flew 350 Kilometers into Belarus +++

Russia threatens countermeasures to the deployment of long-range missiles in Germany; the USA is developing a new long-range missile for Ukraine with a range of 460 km. The Ukrainian intelligence service fears a renewed Russian invasion from the north, but does not comment on it concretely. Putin has his biography supplemented with lies, according to which the "special operation" is intended to protect the people from mistreatment by the "Kyiv regime". Poland is considering shooting down Russian..
World - South China Morning Post
13. Juli 2024 um 17:05

Russland warnt, dass es europäische Hauptstädte ins Visier nehmen könnte, wenn die USA Raketen stationieren | South China Morning Post

Der Kreml hat gewarnt, dass die Stationierung von US-Raketen in Deutschland dazu führen könnte, dass europäische Hauptstädte zu Zielen für russische Raketen werden, was möglicherweise zu einer Wiederholung der Konfrontation des Kalten Krieges führen könnte. Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow erklärte, dass Europa ein Ziel für russische Raketen wäre, während die US-Raketen in Europa Russland zum Ziel hätten. Er deutete an, dass eine solche Konfrontation Europa als Ganzes untergraben könnte, ähnlich wie..


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