2024-07-12 06:53:01

Escalating Tensions in the Ukraine War: Threats, Demands, and Defense Measures

The war in Ukraine continues to escalate, with various developments and statements being reported in the live ticker. Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledges the threats posed by Russia and emphasizes Germany's awareness of the situation.

The UN General Assembly calls on Russia to withdraw from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius expects adjustments in the federal budget to favor the defense budget.

The Kremlin criticizes the planned deployment of US long-range weapons in Germany, seeing it as a return to the Cold War. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy demands the lifting of all restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russian territory.

The USA announces another aid package for Ukraine, including a Patriot air defense system. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg accuses Russia of a campaign of hostile actions against the Alliance.

The seriousness of the situation is highlighted by Christoph Heusgen, who criticizes the German government's communication on the war. Meanwhile, Hungary accuses NATO partners of double standards, and the UK calls on NATO allies to increase defense commitments.

Amidst these tensions, Chancellor Scholz rejects unlimited use of weapons against Russia to prevent an escalation into a NATO war. The situation remains tense, with both sides making demands and taking defense measures.

Tagesschau - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Europa
11. Juli 2024 um 21:36

US Broadcaster CNN Report on Planned Russian Attack on Rheinmetall CEO

According to a report by the US broadcaster CNN, the Russian government was planning an assassination attempt on Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger. However, the US and Germany were able to intervene and protect Papperger. The planned attack was reportedly part of a series of assassination attempts on executives of defense companies in Europe that are supporting Ukraine in the defensive war against Russia. Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock sees the report as a confirmation of the 'hybrid war of a..
Al Jazeera
11. Juli 2024 um 20:29

Russia says US missiles in Germany signal return of Cold War

Russia has warned that the US decision to station long-range missiles in Germany could lead to a Cold War-style "direct confrontation". German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, however, has welcomed the plan, saying it is 'something of deterrence and it's securing peace'. The US argues the move will act as a deterrent, but it has prompted criticism in Germany, with some members of Scholz's party warning it could signal the start of a new "arms race".
11. Juli 2024 um 21:51

Kremlin: US Weapons in Germany a Step "Towards the Cold War" - n-tv.de

The Kremlin has condemned the agreement to station US long-range missiles in Germany as a step "towards the Cold War". Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov sees a direct confrontation between Russia and the West returning and accuses the USA, Germany, France and Great Britain of direct involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended the decision as a necessary measure to deter the threat from Russia.
11. Juli 2024 um 18:30

Ukraine War Live Ticker: +++ 11:36 pm Pistorius expects correction in the 2025 budget +++

Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius expects corrections in the 2025 budget in favor of the defense budget. Russia criticizes the planned deployment of US long-range weapons such as Tomahawk cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles in Germany as a return to the Cold War. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy calls for the lifting of all restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russian territory. The USA announces another aid package for Ukraine with a Patriot air defense system.
11. Juli 2024 um 22:10

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 00:40 UN fordern Russland zum Rückzug aus AKW Saporischschja auf +++ - n-tv.de

Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen (UN) fordert Russland zum Rückzug aus dem ukrainischen Kernkraftwerk Saporischschja auf. Bundesverteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius rechnet mit Korrekturen im Haushaltsentwurf 2025 zugunsten des Verteidigungsetats. Der Kreml kritisiert die geplante Stationierung von US-Waffen mit großer Reichweite in Deutschland als Rückkehr in den Kalten Krieg.


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