2024-07-06 00:04:11

Biden Firmly Declares Intent to Stay in Presidential Race Despite Criticisms

President Biden has unequivocally rejected calls for him to step aside from the upcoming re-election bid, emphasizing that he is determined to remain in the race. Despite facing mounting concerns about his fitness and electability among Democrats, Biden has stood firm, defending his record and highlighting his achievements over the past 3.5 years.

While some members of his own party have urged him to withdraw, Biden has retained support from several Democratic governors. Acknowledging the need for more rest, Biden assured a supporter at a recent event that he is not considering stepping back.

Emphasizing his commitment to defeating Donald Trump, Biden continues to campaign energetically, addressing age concerns and vowing to secure victory in the upcoming election. The President's recent rally in Wisconsin saw him passionately criticizing Trump and rallying support for his candidacy, amidst ongoing challenges to his campaign's viability.

Al Jazeera
5. Juli 2024 um 01:36

‘I’m not going anywhere’: Biden again slaps down calls to step aside

President Biden has firmly rejected calls for him to step aside from his re-election bid, insisting he is "not going anywhere." Despite growing concerns about his fitness and electability among Democrats, Biden has maintained his resolve to continue his campaign, describing his recent debate performance as a "bad night" but highlighting his achievements over the past 3.5 years. While some elected Democrats have publicly urged him to withdraw, the president has so far avoided a mass revolt within..
The Guardian
5. Juli 2024 um 12:48

Joe Biden says he’s not ‘going anywhere’ but admits he needs more sleep

President Joe Biden has admitted to Democratic governors that he needs more sleep and plans to reduce his workload, particularly after 8pm. However, he told a supporter at the White House Fourth of July celebrations that he is "not going anywhere" in the race for re-election. Biden's admission about feeling fatigued comes after his poor debate performance against Donald Trump, which he attributed to recent trips to Europe and overwork.
The Guardian
5. Juli 2024 um 20:42

Biden dismisses age concerns and tells Wisconsin rally ‘I am running’

President Joe Biden dismissed concerns about his age at a rally in Wisconsin, declaring that he is running for re-election in 2024 and will win. He focused his speech on criticizing former President Donald Trump, calling him a 'one-man crime wave' and warning that a second Trump term could end American democracy. The rally was part of Biden's efforts to reinvigorate support for his campaign, which has faced challenges including a struggling economy and doubts about his ability to defeat Trump.
News - South China Morning Post
5. Juli 2024 um 20:45

Joe Biden says he is staying in US presidential race ahead of national TV interview | South China Morning Post

President Joe Biden has declared that he is staying in the 2024 presidential race, despite calls from some Democrats for him to withdraw following a poor debate performance. Biden defended his record and said he would not let a 90-minute debate wipe out three-and-a-half years of work. However, polls show growing concerns about Biden's age and ability to effectively serve a second term, with some Democrats privately divided on the issue.
5. Juli 2024 um 20:36

Kampf um Kandidatur: Biden wird deutlich: "Ich bleibe im Rennen" - n-tv.de

Joe Biden bekräftigt entschlossen, dass er im Rennen um die Präsidentschaftskandidatur der Demokraten bleiben wird. Trotz wachsender Zweifel an seiner Eignung aufgrund seines Auftritts in der TV-Debatte gegen Donald Trump, zeigt sich Biden selbstbewusst und entschlossen, Trump zu besiegen. Er betont, dass er der richtige Kandidat für die Demokraten ist und weist auf die Bedeutung des Wahlkampfs gegen den "größten Lügner und die größte Bedrohung" hin.
5. Juli 2024 um 20:50

Joe Biden: Kein Ende für seine Kandidatur - DER SPIEGEL

US-Präsident Joe Biden hat entschieden klargestellt, dass er wie geplant erneut für die Präsidentschaft kandidieren wird. Trotz aufkommender Diskussionen in seiner eigenen Partei über einen möglichen Rücktritt, betonte Biden, dass er der amtierende Präsident und Kandidat der Demokraten bleibe. Allerdings scheint die demokratische Partei nicht mehr geschlossen hinter ihm zu stehen, da einige Parteikollegen ihn angeblich zum Rücktritt bewegen wollen.
5. Juli 2024 um 20:37

Biden no tira la toalla: “Sigo en la carrera y voy a derrotar a Trump”

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, continúa con su campaña electoral y afirma que seguirá en la carrera y derrotará a Donald Trump. En un mitin en Wisconsin, Biden se mostró enérgico y atacó a Trump, calificándolo de 'delincuente convicto' y 'amenaza para la democracia'. Biden también abordó su edad y aseguró que no es demasiado mayor para vencer a Trump. El presidente reconoció que necesita dormir más y limitar los actos nocturnos para estar descansado. Biden concedió una entrevista y..


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