2024-05-18 00:03:15

Escalating Political Tensions in Slovakia Following Robert Fico's Shooting

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The shooting of former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has ignited fears of increased political divisions and violence in the country, leading to verbal attacks, death threats, and a climate of fear among journalists and politicians.

Allies of Fico have blamed liberal media and opposition figures, deepening societal divides. The incident has exposed wider crises in Slovakian society, highlighting a polarized and violent political landscape, with questions swirling about the details of the assassination attempt and concerns about disinformation campaigns spreading online.

Fico's critical health condition and the suspected politically motivated attack have raised worries about political instability in Slovakia.

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17. Mai 2024 um 17:25

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Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Europa
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The Guardian
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17. Mai 2024 um 12:12

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