2024-05-17 20:00:53

Vatican Updates Guidelines to Combat Hoaxes and Protect Believers from Deception

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The Vatican has introduced new rules to evaluate and classify supernatural claims, aiming to prevent potential scams and hoaxes. With only the Pope authorized to declare apparitions as 'supernatural,' the guidelines seek to curb exploitation for profit and power.

By categorizing alleged miracles into six groups, the Vatican intends to scrutinize such phenomena more skeptically and guard against the spread of fake news and fraud. The reforms emphasize the protection of believers from deception and underscore the necessity for clear procedures in discerning supernatural occurrences.

The press radar on this topic:

New York Times - Europe
17. Mai 2024 um 15:20

As Supernatural Claims Spread Online, Vatican Updates Its Rules on Them

The Vatican has updated its guidelines for evaluating supernatural claims, particularly in the age of social media, to prevent unverified phenomena from getting out of hand. The Church acknowledges the private nature of such experiences and does not require the faithful to accept their authenticity. The guidelines aim to provide clear procedures for bishops to discern alleged supernatural occurrences.
Spiegel Topmeldungen
17. Mai 2024 um 13:41

Vatican reforms evaluation of alleged miracles - DER SPIEGEL

The Vatican has updated its guidelines for evaluating miracles to combat fake news, rumors, and fraudsters. In the future, supernatural phenomena will be classified into six categories. The final decision lies with the Vatican's Office for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome.
Spiegel Topmeldungen
17. Mai 2024 um 13:41

Catholic Church: Vatican reforms evaluation of alleged miracles - DER SPIEGEL

The Vatican has updated its guidelines for the evaluation of miracles and intends to assess them more skeptically in the future. Six categories are introduced to evaluate supernatural phenomena. The new norms aim to avoid risks such as the spread of fake news and fraud.
World news | The Guardian
17. Mai 2024 um 15:35

Vatican tightens rules on supernatural phenomena in crackdown on hoaxes

The Vatican has issued new rules tightening regulations on supernatural phenomena to crack down on potential scams and hoaxes, with only the Pope now able to declare apparitions as 'supernatural'. The guidelines aim to address concerns of exploitation for profit, power, and personal interest, emphasizing the need to protect believers from deception.


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