2024-04-16 10:08:15

German Chancellor Advocates for Fair Play in EU Market during Visit to China

During his visit to China, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasizes the importance of fair competition, non-dumping practices, and protection of intellectual property rights in trade relations with China. Scholz urges Chinese industry bosses to avoid overproduction of cheap goods and copyright infringement, seeking a level playing field in the EU market.

The meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping focuses on seeking common ground, fair competition, and avoiding protectionist measures in bilateral relations, while addressing concerns over Russian aggression and climate protection. German car manufacturers BMW and Mercedes accompany Scholz, advocating for free trade and competition to enhance their presence in China and warning against potential trade disputes.

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World news | The Guardian
15. April 2024 um 14:11

German Chancellor Urges Chinese Industry Bosses to Play Fair in EU Market

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urges Chinese industry bosses to play fair in the EU market by avoiding overproduction of cheap goods and infringing copyright rules. Scholz emphasized the importance of fair competition, non-dumping practices, and protection of intellectual property rights in trade relations with China.
Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Asien
16. April 2024 um 02:57

German Car Manufacturers in China: "Best protection is to be competitive"

German car manufacturers want to compete with Chinese rivals and expand their presence in China. They do not support punitive measures against Chinese electric car manufacturers and emphasize the importance of fair and free trade. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is accompanied by the CEOs of Mercedes-Benz and BMW, hoping for support in expanding economic relations with China.
16. April 2024 um 05:09

China’s Xi tells Germany’s Scholz to seek ‘common ground’

Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of respecting each other and seeking common ground with Germany during a meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Beijing. Scholz's visit to China focuses on fair competition and avoiding protectionist measures in bilateral relations.
New York Times - Business
17. April 2024 um 04:10

Germany’s Leader Walks a Fine Line in China

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany walked a fine line during his trip to China, balancing business ties with criticism of China's exports to Europe and support for Russia. The visit aimed to address strained relations due to Russia's war in Ukraine and China's rivalry with the United States, while promoting German companies in China.
Spiegel Topmeldungen
16. April 2024 um 05:27

Bundeskanzler trifft Chinas Machthaber in Peking - DER SPIEGEL

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz ist mit Chinas Machthaber Xi Jinping in Peking zusammengekommen, um über eine Friedenslösung für die Ukraine und mehr Zusammenarbeit beim Klimaschutz zu sprechen. Scholz betonte auch die negative Auswirkung des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Sicherheit in Europa. Währenddessen warnt die deutsche Autoindustrie vor möglichen Risiken im Geschäft mit China.


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