2024-04-16 10:04:04

Analysis of President Biden's 2023 Tax Returns

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill reported a total income of nearly $620,000 in their 2023 tax returns, showing a 7% increase from the previous year. Their income primarily stemmed from Joe Biden's presidential salary and Jill Biden's teaching earnings, supplemented by investments and book royalties.

The couple paid approximately $181,000 in federal taxes, indicating a tax rate of around 24%, with additional charitable donations totaling over $20,000. The release of their tax returns provides insight into the Bidens' sources of income and tax contributions, highlighting transparency in their financial affairs.

The press radar on this topic:

New York Times - Politics
15. April 2024 um 23:07

Bidens Report Earning $620,000 and Paying $181,000 in Taxes in 2023

President Biden and the first lady earned $620,000 in 2023, paying $181,000 in taxes with a federal income tax rate of nearly 24%. Their earnings increased from 2022 due to higher taxable interest income and salaries from their respective positions.
Thế giới - VnExpress
15. April 2024 um 23:37

Vợ chồng ông Biden thu nhập gần 620.000 USD trong năm 2023

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill have disclosed their federal tax returns, revealing that their income increased by 7% to nearly $620,000 last year. The majority of the income increase compared to 2022 came from interest paid into one of the couple's bank accounts. The Biden family also donated $20,477 to charitable organizations, equivalent to about 3.3% of their income.
Thế giới - VnExpress
15. April 2024 um 23:37

US President Joe Biden and wife disclose income for 2023

US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill have released their federal tax returns, revealing a 7% increase in their income to nearly $620,000 last year. The majority of their income came from their respective roles as President and a community college teacher, with Joe Biden earning $400,000 and Jill Biden earning $85,985 from teaching English. Other income sources included investment dividends, retirement income, and book royalties.
VnExpress English
16. April 2024 um 02:37

Biden and his wife report $620,000 income in 2023 tax returns

U.S. President Joe Biden and his wife reported a 7% increase in income to $619,976 in their 2023 tax returns, paying 23.7% in federal taxes. The couple earned most of their income from their jobs as president and a teacher, with additional income from investments and book royalties.


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