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26. Juli 2024 um 23:55

The Challenge of Defining Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the new presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, faces the challenge of finding her own voice without breaking with President Biden. As she takes on the role of the anti-Trump candidate, Harris must balance demonstrating loyalty to Biden while also showing the public who she is. With a truncated election campaign and the need to coordinate messages with Biden, Harris must navigate the delicate political high-wire act. Additionally, her concerns about Palestinian suffering in the Gaza war, as evidenced by her meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, further complicate her image. The election remains unpredictable, but Harris has the potential to excel as the ultimate anti-Trump candidate.
26. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Benjamin Netanyahu meets Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Pro-Palestinian activists demonstrate near the Watergate hotel ahead of the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington, DC.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets US President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and presidential candidate Donald Trump. Netanyahu thanks Biden for 50 years of support for Israel, discusses strained relationship due to Israel's actions in Gaza war. Netanyahu justifies his course in a speech before the US Congress. Talks about a possible hostage deal and the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Accompanied by protests and anti-Semitic incidents. Netanyahu plans to meet Trump in Florida. Harris calls for a ceasefire and protection of civilians in Gaza, while Biden focuses on ending the war. Some US representatives boycott Netanyahu's speech in Congress. Trump urges Netanyahu to end the war in Gaza. Biden and Netanyahu discuss the need for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. The Israeli population is disappointed with Netanyahu's speech. Trump criticizes Harris, calling her a 'radical Marxist'. Biden meets Netanyahu in the Oval Office and expresses support for Israel.
24. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Kamala Harris: Political Standpoints and Presidential Campaign

Kamala Harris: Political Standpoints and Presidential Campaign
As Joe Biden withdraws from the race for the US presidency, Kamala Harris emerges as the new Democratic candidate. With the support of prominent figures like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden himself, Harris's campaign has gained significant momentum, raising a record $81 million in just 24 hours. However, Harris still needs to secure the majority of delegate votes at the Democratic Party convention to become the official candidate. Harris's strengths lie in her experience as vice president and her popularity among women voters. She has also made her stance on crucial issues clear, advocating for reproductive rights, worker rights, and stricter gun control policies. In terms of foreign policy, Harris supports NATO and values US alliances in the Indo-Pacific region. While her approval ratings are not significantly better than Biden's, early polls suggest that she can hold her own against Donald Trump, making her a formidable opponent in the upcoming election.
23. Juli 2024 um 23:55

As Netanyahu arrives in Washington, Kamala Harris treads a careful path on Israel and Gaza

US Vice President Kamala Harris hosts an event honoring National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championship teams from the 2023-2024 season, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC on July 22, 2024.
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington, Vice President Kamala Harris finds herself navigating complex dynamics. While Harris may criticize Israel's actions in Gaza, she will also maintain US support. Both President Joe Biden and Harris will meet with Netanyahu separately at the White House, but Harris will skip his Congressional address, opting to attend an event at an Indiana college instead. The liberal pro-Israel group J Street believes Harris is more likely to criticize Netanyahu than Biden. Former US NATO representative Ivo Daalder suggests that Harris will prioritize the impact on Gaza civilians. However, not everyone is convinced of Harris's stance. Dearborn mayor Abdullah Hammoud, from an Arab-majority city, has chosen not to endorse Harris, stating that she does not represent enough of a break from the norm on Gaza. The spotlight is on Harris's views on Israel as Netanyahu's visit unfolds, with her calling for a cease-fire and criticizing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Biden's popularity among progressives has declined due to his Israel policy, making Harris's approach to the issue all the more scrutinized.
23. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Biden Addresses the Nation on Withdrawal Decision

President Joe Biden plans to address the nation from the Oval Office on Wednesday night. He will discuss his decision to withdraw from the presidential race and outline his plans for the final six months of his term. This includes campaigning for Vice President Kamala Harris, who will hold her first rally in Milwaukee. Additionally, Biden will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is set to address a joint meeting of Congress. After recovering from COVID-19 at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Biden was treated with Paxlovid upon disembarking from Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base. His decision to withdraw came after facing doubts about his physical and mental fitness, and he has endorsed Harris as his successor. Despite facing pressure to abandon the race, Biden intends to return to campaigning. In his address, he will reflect on his presidency and the challenges that lie ahead for the American people. Meanwhile, Netanyahu's visit to the U.S. aims to secure support despite tensions between the U.S. and Israel due to the Gaza offensive. He plans to address Congress and is expected to meet with Biden and Harris.
23. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Kamala Harris Poised to Make History as Democratic Presidential Nominee

Kamala Harris Poised to Make History as Democratic Presidential Nominee
Kamala Harris is on the verge of becoming the Democratic presidential nominee after Joe Biden's withdrawal. With the support of party heavyweights and a record $81 million in donations, Harris is set to secure the nomination. As Biden recovers from COVID-19, Harris will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and host college athletes at the White House. President Trump faces the challenge of retooling his strategy against the younger, female prosecutor Harris. The decision on who will represent the Democrats in the upcoming presidential election will be made at the party's convention in Chicago in August. Meanwhile, Biden, who is recovering from COVID-19, plans to return to Washington, D.C., and address the nation later in the week. Harris, on the other hand, will kick off her campaign in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a critical battleground state. While Harris has secured the support of enough delegates to become the nominee, the final decision will be made at the party convention. The Democrats are determined to avoid a chaotic convention and have already rallied prominent party members behind Harris. They also plan to allow delegates to participate in a virtual vote prior to the convention, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. As the presidential campaign heats up, Harris will focus on strengthening the middle class, expanding healthcare access, and protecting reproductive rights. She aims to unite the party, the nation, and defeat Trump in November.
23. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Joe Biden: Americans React to His Withdrawal from the Presidential Race

Joe Biden: Americans React to His Withdrawal from the Presidential Race
Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the presidential race, paving the way for Kamala Harris to become the Democratic candidate. Democrats hope Harris will attract Black and young voters. Donald Trump feels betrayed on his platform Truth Social. Biden's withdrawal creates uncertainty, with the Democratic Party Convention now deciding the final candidate. Conservative voters show hostility towards Harris. The media coverage of Biden's withdrawal is divided, with liberal outlets praising the decision and conservative outlets criticizing Biden's mental fitness. Despite his withdrawal, Trump continues to attack Biden on social media. While the US economy is performing well, American voters are dissatisfied with Biden's economic policies. Biden's withdrawal may change the perception of his economic policies. The future of 'Bidenomics' is uncertain as Kamala Harris takes the stage as the potential presidential candidate.
22. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden endorses Kamala Harris for president after dropping out of race

Biden endorses Kamala Harris for president after dropping out of race
Joe Biden has endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president in the upcoming election against Republican Donald Trump. Prominent Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, have lined up behind Harris, urging delegates to nominate her for president. Harris has a strong record of winning elections and has already received endorsements and donations. However, she lacks backing from Obama and Pelosi. Biden's endorsement comes after he dropped out of the race and cited Harris as the 'best decision'. Harris has quickly gained support and endorsements but faces challenges such as low approval and Republican attacks. She must also unite Democrats to defeat Trump in November. Harris has praised Biden's legacy and aims to define herself before Republicans do. Her campaign has already raised a record-breaking $81 million in 24 hours. The new party nominee will be chosen at the convention next month, where more than 4,000 party officials and activists will gather to vote. Harris could become the first woman and the first person of South Asian descent as president.
22. Juli 2024 um 19:55

The Unprecedented Shake-up in the US Election Campaign

The Unprecedented Shake-up in the US Election Campaign
After US President Joe Biden announced his decision not to seek re-election, the Democratic Party is scrambling to consolidate behind his likely successor, Kamala Harris. While Harris is favored to secure the nomination, she faces rivals within her party as Democrats seek to avoid the appearance of a coronation. Republicans, on the other hand, quickly pivoted to attack Harris and are grappling with their own challenges. The immediate task for Democrats is to navigate the succession process, including the transfer of funding and delegates earmarked for Biden over to Harris or another candidate. This situation is unprecedented as no sitting US president has dropped out of a race this late in the election cycle. The selection process for the Democratic nominee may involve a convention, which could become messy if heated competition breaks out. If Harris becomes president, it is expected that she will maintain Biden's foreign policies, including tough talk and action toward China. However, she will need to overcome her reputation as a loyal but unexceptional vice-president and distinguish herself from Democratic rivals. Overall, the US election campaign is entering a new phase, with Harris now at the center of attention and both parties facing challenges in the race for the White House.
22. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Democratic Party Sees Soaring Donations Post-Biden's Exit

Following Biden's withdrawal, Democrats witness a historic surge in online donations exceeding 46 million euros within 7 hours. Expectations are high for unprecedented fundraising levels, managed by Korge at the Biden Victory Fund. With Biden's campaign fund of $96 million now in question, Vice President Harris gains access while potential candidates start afresh. The Democratic Party and state entities hold $144 million for unified messaging, but super PAC coordination restrictions challenge Democrats against the GOP's $285 million lead in fundraising efforts for the upcoming elections.
22. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Netanyahu's US Visit Amid Political Uncertainty

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has embarked on a highly anticipated trip to the United States, describing it as a 'very important journey' taking place during a time of great political uncertainty. Netanyahu's visit comes in the wake of US President Joe Biden's announcement that he will withdraw from the presidential race. Prior to Biden's announcement, Netanyahu's office had confirmed that he would personally meet with the US president on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Israeli Prime Minister is scheduled to address the US Congress. The US has been providing military and diplomatic support to Israel since the unprecedented attack by the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas on October 7th. However, there have been significant differences and even tensions between the two governments regarding Israel's military actions. Netanyahu's visit aims to strengthen the alliance between Israel and the United States, address the ongoing conflict in Gaza, and discuss other important objectives between the two countries.
22. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Kamala Harris: A Potential Hope for the Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Potential Hope for the Democrats
After President Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 race, Kamala Harris has emerged as a potential candidate for the Democratic nomination. As the first woman and first Black vice president, Harris has the opportunity to make history again if she runs for the most powerful position in the world. However, she faces challenges such as low approval ratings and criticism of her previous presidential campaign. Harris aims to defeat Donald Trump, who has already launched attacks against her. While Harris has shown loyalty to Biden, some Democrats question if she should be nominated by default. Nevertheless, her supporters believe that a unified and excited Democratic party could help her overcome these challenges. Harris's background as a former prosecutor and her stance on key issues like abortion could be advantages in the race against Trump. However, her ability to address the issues of inflation and migration remains uncertain. Despite these uncertainties, Harris has gained significant support from influential Democratic figures and could appeal to a broad range of voters. The selection process for the Democratic nominee is still unclear, but Harris's India connection and her experiences as a woman of color could boost her chances in the 2024 presidential race.
22. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Investors Don't Seem to Care Who Wins the White House

Investors in the crypto market remain largely unaffected by Biden's non-re-election announcement, as Bitcoin and Ether experienced only brief dips before recovering. Betting odds indicate no change in Trump's chances of winning, while Harris' odds increased. However, the Biden-themed meme coin Jeo Boden plummeted 99% from its April peak. On Wall Street, investors expect the election to have little impact on equity markets, with the focus being on Federal Reserve policy. Despite this, strategists warn of potential volatility as indicated by the spike in the VIX. Meanwhile, the crypto market is experiencing a frenzy of memecoins as the US election draws near. Tokens related to Biden have seen a decline in prices, while those inspired by Kamala Harris have surged. Trump-themed memecoins have also seen price hikes following Biden's resignation and an attempted assassination. Overall, the market is anticipating the election outcome but seems largely unconcerned about who wins the White House.
22. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Joe Biden: First Reactions of Americans to His Withdrawal from the Presidential Race

Joe Biden: First Reactions of Americans to His Withdrawal from the Presidential Race
Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential race has sparked a range of reactions from Americans and world leaders. Kamala Harris is set to become the Democratic candidate, with hopes that she will appeal to Black and young voters. Donald Trump feels betrayed on his platform Truth Social. The withdrawal has created uncertainty, as the Democratic Party Convention will make the final decision. Conservative voters have shown hostility towards Harris. German politicians have praised Biden's decision, emphasizing the importance of transatlantic relations and expressing support for Harris. The Republican Party now needs to develop a new plan after targeting Biden. The withdrawal also raises questions about the future of the Democratic Party and the possibility of a Trump victory. Biden's decision has been met with gratitude for his leadership and efforts to restore honesty, dignity, and integrity. However, concerns about Biden's age and performance in the presidential race have been raised. Overall, Biden's withdrawal has ushered in a new phase in the presidential race, with Harris now taking the lead as the Democratic candidate.
22. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Joe Biden: Withdraws from Presidential Race and Supports Kamala Harris

Joe Biden: Withdraws from Presidential Race and Supports Kamala Harris
Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the presidential race, endorsing Kamala Harris as his successor. Biden's decision comes after a series of controversies surrounding his age, mental state, and public appearances. Despite this, he highlights his achievements in social and environmental protection during his tenure. The withdrawal, just before the election, marks a dramatic turn of events in the race against Donald Trump. Harris, who is favored by many as the alternative candidate, has received widespread support from prominent party members. As the first black woman to hold the position of Vice President, Harris is seen as a forceful and resilient candidate. However, she faces criticism for her public appearances alongside Biden. The Democratic Party hopes that Harris can bring about a turning point in the election campaign against Trump, who was confident in his chances against Biden. Trump expressed anger at Biden's withdrawal, stating that his team had invested time and money in the fight against him. The Republican Party is now regrouping behind their candidate, J.D. Vance. The withdrawal of the presidential candidate just months before the election and weeks before important deadlines in some states is a delicate maneuver for the Democrats. However, with the support of party leaders and the backing of prominent figures, Harris is emerging as a strong contender in the race.
22. Juli 2024 um 05:50

World Leaders, With Outlook Uncertain, Praise Biden but Speak Carefully

World Leaders, With Outlook Uncertain, Praise Biden but Speak Carefully
World leaders, including Czech PM Petr Fiala and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, react cautiously to Biden's decision not to run, with some offering valedictory praise and others expressing uncertainty about the future U.S. president, while praising Biden's foreign policy approach, including strengthening NATO and trans-Atlantic cooperation, in contrast to Trump's isolationism and amid concerns over the Russian invasion of Ukraine; Czech PM Fiala hopes for 'good president' emerging from 'strong and equal candidates'. Leaders from Israel, Ukraine, UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, Poland, and Ireland also express gratitude and commend Biden's leadership. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov acknowledges Biden's preferred status by Putin but highlights differences in policy between Trump and Biden. The decision is seen as a 'deep rupture' by Transatlantic Coordinator Michael Link, who emphasizes the need for unity in Europe. Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson, John Swinney, Carla Denyer, and James Cleverly from the UK also praise Biden's career and leadership, urging the Democratic party to find a suitable candidate. Australian leaders Anthony Albanese, Peter Dutton, and Kevin Rudd acknowledge Biden's leadership and difficult decision, recognizing the historic moment and the upcoming change in US administration in 2024.
22. Juli 2024 um 05:50

US election live updates: top Democrats back Kamala Harris as donations surge after Biden steps aside

Prominent Democrats, including top politicians and governors, have thrown their support behind Kamala Harris as she becomes the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination following Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race. Harris' campaign received a surge in donations, with over $50 million raised in the first 24 hours. However, Republicans, including Speaker Mike Johnson, are calling on Biden to resign immediately. Trump's campaign plans to tie Harris to Biden's policies on immigration and the economy, portraying her as the 'co-pilot' of the administration. The race for the presidency is now focused on Harris and Trump, with polls showing a tight race between the two. Despite challenges including uniting the party and addressing issues like Gaza, Harris has gained support from influential figures such as Hillary Clinton and the Congressional Black Caucus. The nomination will be decided at the Democratic National Convention, where Harris needs the support of over 3,800 delegates to secure the nomination. Harris faces the challenge of revitalizing the campaign and attracting independent voters as she aims to become the first woman, Black woman, and person of South Asian descent to potentially serve as president.
22. Juli 2024 um 05:50

The Unraveling of Biden's Re-election Bid: From Debate Debacle to Harris Uncertainty

The Unraveling of Biden's Re-election Bid: From Debate Debacle to Harris Uncertainty
In a shocking turn of events, US President Joe Biden has decided not to run for re-election, leaving his vice president, Kamala Harris, in a state of uncertainty. Biden's campaign began to unravel after a disastrous debate against Donald Trump, with doubts about his fitness for office growing among voters and party leaders. The media, particularly those loyal to the Republicans, seized this opportunity to attack Biden's age and mental capacity. The pressure mounted, leading to calls for Biden to resign, and ultimately, he made the decision to step aside. Now, with just over three months until the election, Harris finds herself in a challenging position. The Democratic Party faces an unprecedented situation, with no formal mechanism to replace Biden as the nominee. Possible replacements for Biden include Harris, as well as other prominent figures such as Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, Sherrod Brown, and Andrew Yang. The party now faces the task of navigating this uncertain landscape and selecting a new candidate to lead them into the election. This decision will have significant implications for the future of the Democratic Party and the upcoming election.
21. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden withdraws from the race for the White House and recommends Harris as the candidate

Biden withdraws from the race for the White House and recommends Harris as the candidate
US President Joe Biden, facing doubts about his mental and physical fitness, has withdrawn his candidacy for re-election in November. In a letter to the American people, Biden said it was in the best interest of his party and the country to step aside and focus on his duties as president. He endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, as the Democratic candidate. Democratic party leaders praised Biden's decision, while Republicans called for his resignation. Harris, the daughter of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, is seen as a possible alternative. However, she has low approval ratings in polls. The Democratic party will now begin the process of selecting a new candidate. Biden's withdrawal marks the first time in US history that a president has withdrawn from a race due to concerns about his mental and physical fitness. Politicians in Germany also paid tribute to Biden's decision and his service to his country. The Kremlin in Moscow expects further developments in the four months leading up to the presidential election in the United States.
21. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Trump Criticizes Biden's Withdrawal, Calls for Resignation

After Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race, Donald Trump criticizes him, endorsing Kamala Harris as a replacement. Trump believes Harris will be easier to defeat in the upcoming election. Some Republican leaders call for Biden's resignation, citing his unfitness to serve as president. The Democratic Party faces uncertainty with Biden's decision, as experts like Jennifer N Victor comment on Trump's typical political strategy.
21. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Joe Biden withdraws from presidential race following debate debacle

Joe Biden withdraws from presidential race following debate debacle
Joe Biden has announced that he is withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race, endorsing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Biden cites his party and the country's interests as the reasons for his withdrawal. His decision comes after a disastrous debate performance and mounting pressure from supporters and donors. While Harris is expected to be the nominee, the transition remains uncertain. Biden initially planned to serve only one term and be a 'bridge' to the next generation. This withdrawal raises questions about the replacement candidate and the impact on the Democratic Party. The attempted assassination of former President Trump also adds further chaos to the campaign. Biden's withdrawal has implications not only for the Democrats but also for the Republicans, as Trump has made the age and health of his rivals a focal point of his campaign. The decision to step down shakes up the race just weeks before the election, leaving little time for the Democrats to regroup and build support for a new candidate. The withdrawal also raises concerns about voter enthusiasm and the potential for voter turnout in the upcoming election.
21. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Kamala Harris: A Potential Trump Card in the US Presidential Race

Kamala Harris: A Potential Trump Card in the US Presidential Race
Kamala Harris, Vice President under Biden, is being considered as a potential replacement candidate for the Democrats in the presidential election. Despite criticism, she could gain support on issues like abortion rights. Other potential candidates like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are also being discussed. Harris benefits financially from her joint campaign with Biden and her experience as Attorney General could give her an advantage against Trump. As the first Black person in this office, her candidacy would be significant for the important Black voter group. The position of Vice President had already been seen as a springboard for a presidential candidacy. Furthermore, Harris could benefit from the conservative Supreme Court's decisions on abortion.
21. Juli 2024 um 05:50

First Campaign Appearance by Trump Since Assassination Attempt - Pressure on Biden Continues to Grow

Donald Trump made his first campaign appearance since the assassination attempt on him a week ago, rallying in Michigan alongside his vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance. Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on Joe Biden to drop out of the race as Trump gains momentum in the polls. Trump survived the assassination attempt and used his speech to attack Biden, Harris, and Michigan Governor Whitmer. He also mentioned his new vice presidential candidate, Vance, the would-be assassin Crooks, former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, and the conservative manifesto 'Project 2025'. Trump's doctor revealed that the bullet narrowly missed his head. Trump claimed that he had received no warning before the assassination attempt and stated that he had 'caught a bullet for democracy'. The election is becoming increasingly tense, with Biden facing doubts about his ability to continue as the Democratic candidate while recovering from COVID-19. As Trump returns to the campaign trail, his aggressive rhetoric and policy proposals are gaining support, putting pressure on Biden to make a decision about his candidacy.
20. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden's Decision Looms as Pressure Mounts

Biden's Decision Looms as Pressure Mounts
As pressure mounts for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, the list of Democratic representatives calling for him to step aside continues to grow. Despite hopes to resume his campaign next week, Biden is confined to his beach house in Delaware, recovering from COVID-19 and reflecting on his future. Growing concerns over the drop in donations, new desertions in Congress, and the Democrats' deteriorating electoral prospects are taking their toll. Biden's campaign manager assures that he remains in the race, but two-thirds of Democratic voters favor a replacement. The US media have been speculating on Biden's potential withdrawal, using phrases like 'could' and 'seems'. While Biden's future remains uncertain, Republicans are preparing for a possible Kamala Harris candidacy and scrutinizing the records of Democratic governors as potential running mates. Biden's decision, if he chooses to step aside, could further divide the Democratic Party and result in the loss of the Black vote.
20. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Biden Faces Calls to Drop Out as Democrats Suggest Alternatives

Biden Faces Calls to Drop Out as Democrats Suggest Alternatives
As President Joe Biden faces growing calls to drop out of the 2024 race, Democratic lawmakers, including Seth Moulton and Adam Smith, question his ability to lead due to his age and performance. Prominent figures like Sherrod Brown, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi have also expressed concerns, while a poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden should step aside. Potential alternatives being suggested include Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Josh Shapiro. There are discussions of forming a historic two-woman ticket with Harris and Whitmer, who have the experience and popularity to counter Trump. Al Sharpton, however, believes Biden should make up his own mind about his re-election bid. Black and Hispanic Democrats are holding firm for Biden, defending him to secure Harris's future and expressing concerns about the party's direction. Meanwhile, Biden is stewing at his beach house, resentful of pressure to drop out and questioning the support of his allies. The Trump campaign is also preparing an attack plan against Harris if Biden withdraws as the nominee.
20. Juli 2024 um 14:59

First Campaign Appearance by Trump Since Assassination Attempt - Pressure on Biden Continues to Grow

Donald Trump holds his first campaign appearance since the assassination attempt, while pressure on Joe Biden to drop out of the race increases. During the rally in Michigan, Trump promises to end the war in Ukraine if he returns to the White House. Over 30 members of the House and four Democratic Senators publicly call for Biden to withdraw. Silicon Valley investor Michael Moritz joins the calls and suspends his donations to the Democrats. Despite being diagnosed with Covid, Biden plans to resume his campaign next week. Trump's lead in the polls is narrowing as he benefits from Biden's weak position, with concerns over his age and mental fitness. Meanwhile, a ceremony in Berlin commemorates the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler 80 years ago. The event sheds light on the often overlooked civilian involvement in the resistance movement. As for vacation plans, Germans are opting for classic Mediterranean destinations or seeking out alternative and adventurous options, such as space travel and polar cruises. CrowdStrike, an IT security provider, inadvertently caused worldwide chaos when a faulty software update crashed its clients' Windows computers. The incident may result in lawsuits and the search for alternative security options.
20. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Biden Faces Calls to Withdraw as Speculation Mounts

Biden Faces Calls to Withdraw as Speculation Mounts
Joe Biden's campaign chair acknowledges a decline in support but maintains that he will stay in the race. However, pressure is mounting from within the Democratic Party for him to drop out. Kamala Harris is being considered as a potential alternative nominee. Biden's declining poll numbers, concerns from party leaders, and calls for withdrawal from over 28 Democrats in Congress contribute to the speculation. Biden's allies compare his situation to Julius Caesar and there is a growing sense that his campaign is coming to an end. Despite this, Biden insists that he has polling evidence showing he could still win. Meanwhile, Biden reportedly feels betrayed by his allies, as advisers discuss the details of a possible withdrawal. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has expressed support for an open nomination process if Biden drops out, favoring Kamala Harris as the potential candidate. Overall, there is a belief among Democrats that a change in the presidential nominee is becoming inevitable.
20. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Biden Faces Pressure to Step Aside as Calls for His Resignation Grow

Biden Faces Pressure to Step Aside as Calls for His Resignation Grow
Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, is facing increasing pressure from Democratic lawmakers and donors to drop out of the 2024 race. Polls show that a majority of Democrats believe Vice President Kamala Harris would make a good president and should be nominated instead. Despite this, Biden remains defiant and vows to stay in the race, despite concerns about his age and health. His campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, acknowledges a decline in support, but Biden is more committed than ever to defeat Trump. Top Democrats, including Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, have expressed concerns behind the scenes. Biden's fundraising is drying up, and there are worries about the chaos that would ensue in the Democratic Party if he were to resign. Over 30 House Democrats and 4 senators have called on Biden to quit, while influential supporters like George Clooney and Michael Moritz want him to make way for Harris. The vice president is holding emergency calls with donors, and some polls show she may be more competitive against Trump. Amidst these pressures, Biden's family has reportedly discussed the possibility of him exiting the campaign.
19. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Biden's Future Uncertain as Pressure Mounts for Him to Withdraw

Biden's Future Uncertain as Pressure Mounts for Him to Withdraw
Speculation is growing that President Biden may withdraw from the race, as calls for his resignation increase among Democrats. Biden is recovering from COVID-19 and feeling 'betrayed' by his allies. While his campaign insists he will stay in the race, there has been a decline in support and growing doubts about his ability to defeat Trump. Several Democratic officials have urged Biden to step aside, and there are reports that he is considering his options. Kamala Harris is being touted as a potential replacement nominee. The Democratic National Committee is pushing ahead with plans to nominate a candidate, and the timetable for a possible withdrawal is tightening. Biden's declining poll numbers, the drop in donations, and the desertions in Congress are all contributing to the pressure. While Biden insists he can win, there is a sense among some that 'it's game over' for his campaign. As the speculation continues, the focus now shifts to whether Biden will make the decision to withdraw and who could potentially take his place as the Democratic Party's nominee.
19. Juli 2024 um 13:28

US Election Campaign Live Ticker: Trump accuses Biden of more damage than the 'ten worst presidents'

US Election Campaign Live Ticker: Trump accuses Biden of more damage than the 'ten worst presidents'
In his nomination speech, Donald Trump accused Joe Biden of causing more damage to the country than the 'ten worst presidents' in history. He claimed that the damage caused by Biden is unimaginable. However, fact-checkers have pointed out that Trump made over 20 false claims in his speech, including accusations of electoral fraud and record inflation. Trump also avoided addressing the issue of Taiwan in his speech, raising concerns about his administration's stance on the country. Despite these false claims and omissions, Trump's speech was met with applause from his supporters. Meanwhile, there is growing speculation about Joe Biden's candidacy, with some suggesting that he may withdraw from the race due to his recent positive COVID-19 test and declining poll numbers. Biden's withdrawal would have significant implications for the election, and the Democratic Party may need to quickly find a new candidate. Overall, the election campaign continues to be filled with misinformation and exaggerations from both sides.
19. Juli 2024 um 13:28

Biden's Political World in Turmoil as Allies Call for Him to Step Aside

Biden's Political World in Turmoil as Allies Call for Him to Step Aside
President Biden's political world is in turmoil as major donations have fallen off and grassroots fundraising is not keeping up. Allies are increasingly calling for him to step aside, concerned that his continued presence may risk the Democrats' control of Congress. The campaign is now expecting only 25% of the big donor money that was originally projected. Biden's recent positive Covid test and subsequent retreat to his vacation home have created a sharp contrast with former President Trump's appearance at the RNC. The public call from Schiff for Biden to abandon his nomination, along with other Democratic leaders expressing dire concerns, has put pressure on Biden. Despite publicly insisting that he's not going anywhere, Biden has shown openness to the idea of stepping aside. His stumbles, such as mixing up names and losing his train of thought, have added to the lack of excitement surrounding his campaign. Allies close to Biden suggest that he may indeed drop out, and there are rumors that he may endorse Kamala Harris as his replacement. The uncertainty surrounding Biden's future has created a sense of instability in American politics, with questions about who will be the Democratic nominee if he does indeed step aside.
19. Juli 2024 um 08:06

Biden Faces Mounting Pressure to Withdraw from 2024 Race

Biden Faces Mounting Pressure to Withdraw from 2024 Race
Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure to drop out of the 2024 presidential race due to poor polling, concerns about his electability, and his age and fitness. Allies such as Obama, Schumer, and Jeffries have expressed doubts about his chances. Pelosi has shared data showing Biden losing to Trump. Biden's recent positive COVID-19 test has further fueled discussions about his withdrawal. The Democratic Party is attempting to fast-track Biden's nomination through a virtual roll call. Discussions about his potential withdrawal are ongoing on Capitol Hill. Biden's doctor has confirmed that he is experiencing mild COVID symptoms, but his vital signs are normal. The decision for Biden to withdraw could have significant implications for the Democratic Party and the upcoming election.
19. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Trump accepts GOP nomination amidst Biden's contemplation of dropping out

President Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican nomination, recounting his survival of an assassination attempt and paying tribute to a fallen firefighter. While he initially struck a conciliatory tone, he later attacked his Democratic rival Joe Biden. Reports suggest that Biden is considering dropping out of the race following a poor debate performance and warnings from prominent Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer that he cannot win. Trump's entrance at the convention was theatrical, featuring his wife Melania and running mate J.D. Vance. His campaign claims competitiveness in Democratic-leaning states, while polls indicate that Biden is struggling in four out of seven competitive states. Senator Jon Tester, a Democrat, has called for Biden to withdraw from the race. Meanwhile, Biden's campaign has been plagued by concerns about his age, debate performance, and declining poll numbers, with some Democrats privately pressuring him to step aside. Despite these challenges, Biden has insisted that he is committed to continuing his candidacy.
18. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden's Political World in Turmoil

Biden's Political World in Turmoil
President Biden's political world is collapsing as major donations have fallen off and grassroots fundraising struggles to keep up. Allies are calling for him to step aside, concerned that his campaign risks taking down control of Congress. The campaign expects only 25% of the big donor money originally projected. Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 and has retreated to his vacation home, in stark contrast to former President Trump's appearance at the RNC. Democratic leaders, including Nancy Pelosi, have expressed concerns and some have brought dire warnings to Biden. Despite his public insistence that he's not going anywhere, Biden has shown openness to the idea of stepping aside. His campaign has been marked by stumbles, such as mixing up names and losing his train of thought, and lacks excitement. The future of Biden's re-election bid remains uncertain, and many are speculating that he may have to leave the race.
18. Juli 2024 um 19:55

USA: Barack Obama Loses Confidence in Joe Biden

USA: Barack Obama Loses Confidence in Joe Biden
Former President Obama, along with top politicians Pelosi, Schiff, Jeffries, and Schumer, are questioning Joe Biden's candidacy. Biden has faced criticism after a weak TV debate against Trump and testing positive for COVID-19. He has withdrawn to his private home in Delaware with mild symptoms, belonging to the risk group. There are doubts about Biden's chances of winning the election, and Democrats are calling for his withdrawal. Obama wants to protect Biden's legacy and has spoken with Pelosi about it. The decision about Biden's candidacy lies with him, but Biden is still expressing his ambitions. Public opinion polls show that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden should withdraw from the race, and only 30% are confident in his ability to serve as president. The events have created a sense of two campaigns heading in opposite directions, with Trump appearing strong at the Republican Party convention. Biden's health issues have also come under scrutiny, with him suggesting that he would consider dropping out if new health problems emerge. Even Biden's allies are struggling to defend him, with Senator Bernie Sanders admitting that Biden has trouble completing sentences. The situation has put Biden's campaign in chaos while Trump's campaign is on the rise.
18. Juli 2024 um 14:59

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy
Adam Schiff, a prominent Democratic representative, has called on US President Joe Biden to forgo his candidacy for a second term. Schiff expressed serious doubts about Biden's ability to defeat his Republican opponent, Donald Trump, and urged him to pass on the torch. The plan to fast-track Biden's nomination through an online vote has faced increasing criticism within the Democratic Party. Schiff praised Biden's merits and acknowledged him as one of the most important presidents in the nation's history, but emphasized the need for him to step aside and preserve his legacy. Despite concerns within the party about Biden's age and health, he has insisted on remaining the candidate. However, around 20 Democratic congress members and one senator have called for his withdrawal. The Democratic Party aims to hold the online vote before August 1st, but critics argue against rushing the process. A significant majority of Democrats want Biden to step aside, according to a recent poll by the Associated Press and NORC.
18. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Biden Tests Positive for COVID, Cancels Las Vegas Campaign Event

Biden Tests Positive for COVID, Cancels Las Vegas Campaign Event
US President Joe Biden, 81, has tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms after attending a campaign event in Las Vegas. He will self-isolate at his Delaware home and continue his duties. Biden's health and fitness as a candidate have been debated, particularly after his poor performance in a televised debate with Donald Trump. Democratic leaders, including Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, have urged Biden to withdraw from the race. Polls show that many Democrats want a new nominee. Meanwhile, Biden's doctor has confirmed the positive test and symptoms. This news comes as the White House faces pressure over its handling of the attempted assassination of Trump in Pennsylvania, with reports of Iranian threats against the former president. In addition, the Kremlin has welcomed the Ukraine-related positions expressed by Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance. These headlines highlight the growing uncertainty and challenges in the US presidential campaign, with implications for both domestic and international affairs.
18. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Pressure Mounts on Biden as Democratic Leaders Urge Him to Withdraw from 2024 Election

Pressure Mounts on Biden as Democratic Leaders Urge Him to Withdraw from 2024 Election
Democratic leaders Schumer, Pelosi, and Jeffries, along with other prominent Democrats, are calling on Biden to drop out of the 2024 race due to concerns about his electability. Polls show that many Democrats want a new nominee, indicating a growing rift within the party. Biden's recent positive COVID-19 test has further raised questions about his viability as a candidate. Despite the pressure, Biden has thus far rejected calls to withdraw. The party faces the dilemma of risking a contested convention or potentially losing down-ballot races and endangering democracy itself by keeping Biden as the nominee. While potential successors like Harris lack authority, a surprise candidate could emerge. Biden's age and health concerns have not been quelled, and even some of his Democratic allies have expressed doubts. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing Democratic power struggle and the party's plan to nominate Biden early despite internal protests.
18. Juli 2024 um 09:00

Biden's COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Look at the Mild Symptoms and Concerns

US President Joe Biden, aged 81, tests positive for COVID-19, experiencing mild symptoms and opting for self-isolation. With a history of infection two years ago and his age posing a risk, concerns arise over his health amidst discussions prior to the November election. Biden's treatment with Paxlovid and potential relapse are in focus, prompting calls for caution in his political activities. Despite his vaccination history and immunity from prior exposure, questions linger over the impact of age on the severity of the illness, as highlighted by previous cases involving other political figures.
18. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Biden tests positive for COVID, cancels Las Vegas campaign event

US President Joe Biden, 81, has tested positive for COVID-19 with mild symptoms and has been prescribed Paxlovid. As a result, he has canceled a campaign event in Las Vegas for the Latin civil rights group Unidos US. There is mounting pressure from fellow Democrats, including Schumer, Jeffries, and Schiff, for Biden to drop his re-election bid. An AP-NORC poll shows that two-thirds of Democrats want Biden to withdraw. However, Biden remains defiant and stated that only 'Lord Almighty' could persuade him to quit. There have been reports of COVID-19 rebound cases after the use of Paxlovid. In light of Biden's condition, Democrats are planning a virtual vote to formally nominate him ahead of the convention in Chicago. Biden's positive COVID-19 test comes at a critical time, as allies and Democratic leaders express concerns about his age and health, particularly after a poor debate performance against Trump. Despite the calls for him to withdraw, Biden intends to continue carrying out his duties from his home in Delaware while isolating.
18. Juli 2024 um 05:50

Democratic Leaders Urge Biden to End Reelection Bid Amid Concerns

Democratic Leaders Urge Biden to End Reelection Bid Amid Concerns
Democratic leaders including Schumer, Jeffries, and Schiff have expressed concerns about Biden's ability to secure reelection. Following a lackluster debate performance against Trump, Schiff and others have called on Biden to step aside, citing worries about his age and cognitive abilities. The rift within the Democratic party deepens as prominent figures urge Biden to pass the torch and avoid a second Trump presidency. Despite the calls for withdrawal, Biden has thus far refused to step down. The Democratic National Committee faces criticism over its handling of the nomination process, with internal disagreements escalating. Concerns over a potential loss of control over Congress and the White House further compound the situation, with pressure mounting on Biden to reconsider his candidacy.
17. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy

Prominent US Democrat Adam Schiff Calls on Biden to Forgo Candidacy
Prominent Democratic legislator Adam Schiff has urged President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 election, citing doubts about his ability to defeat former President Trump. Schiff's call for Biden to step aside has been met with criticism, as the Democratic Party plans for an early virtual roll call to nominate Biden before the convention. A poll shows that a majority of Democrats want Biden to not run. However, the Ohio ballot deadline change has complicated the party's plans. Despite concerns about Biden's age and health, his campaign team appeals to the media to focus on the issues. The Democratic Party is growing increasingly worried about Biden's performance and is exploring alternative options. Schiff acknowledges Biden's accomplishments but believes it is time for him to pass the torch to preserve his legacy. The division within the party over Biden's candidacy deepens, while the Republican Party shows unity at their convention. The upcoming virtual roll call is expected to determine the Democratic nominee before the convention, although some House Democrats are concerned about potential divisions within the party. Overall, the Democratic Party faces challenges in navigating the path to the 2024 election.
17. Juli 2024 um 23:55

Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 and Cancels Event with Latinos

US President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a campaign event in Las Vegas. Despite being vaccinated and boosted, Biden is experiencing mild symptoms and will self-isolate in Delaware while continuing his duties. The President's physician has prescribed the antiviral medication Paxlovid. As a result of his diagnosis, Biden has cancelled a speaking engagement at the annual UnidosUS conference, which was organized by a Latino organization. This comes at a crucial time as Biden's support among Latino and African American voters has seen a 20% loss, with Donald Trump gaining ground. Biden had planned to announce a new policy that would benefit undocumented spouses and children of US citizens, allowing them to start the regularization process. Nevada, a swing state with a significant Latino population, is where Biden tested positive. Despite this setback, the Biden administration has been successful in creating 15 million jobs. Biden's diagnosis raises concerns about his ability to campaign for the upcoming November election and some Democratic lawmakers are calling for him to withdraw from the race due to concerns about his age and health.
17. Juli 2024 um 19:55

Calls for Biden to Consider Retiring Due to Health Issues

Calls for Biden to Consider Retiring Due to Health Issues
President Biden, 81 years old, has stated that he would consider retiring if a doctor recommended it due to health issues. Despite concerns about his age and cognitive abilities, the Democratic Party plans to nominate him in a virtual process. However, influential Congressman Adam Schiff has called for Biden to leave the campaign, worried that he could be beaten by Donald Trump and undermine democracy. A poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden should withdraw and allow the party to choose a new candidate. There are also concerns within the party about Biden's ability to defeat Trump and handle the current crisis. Despite the calls for him to step aside, Biden remains firm in his determination to continue running. The Democratic Party is planning an early virtual roll call to formally nominate Biden, despite some House Democrats expressing concerns about party unity. The poll also reveals that a majority of Americans believe Trump is more capable of winning the 2024 election than Biden. Overall, the state of Biden's candidacy has sparked a deepening rift within the Democratic Party.
17. Juli 2024 um 11:55

Democrats Push for Biden's Nomination Advancement Amid Supreme Court Reforms

Democrats are working to fast-track Biden's nomination through a party committee and virtual vote. Meanwhile, Biden is considering significant Supreme Court reforms like term limits and an ethics code, facing opposition from Republicans and some Democrats. Germany pledges 10 million euros for a children's clinic in Kyiv, while the Baltic States plan to disconnect from Russian power by 2025. A UN report exposes forced labor in North Korea, and Rwandan President Kagame secures a fourth term. In the US, House Democrats challenge efforts to speed up Biden's nomination, with concerns about potential losses. Biden's proposed Supreme Court reforms include term limits and ethics, drawing criticism from Trump and mixed reactions from legal experts and the public.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:58

Biden Proposes Major Reforms to the Supreme Court, Trump Reacts Strongly

President Biden plans to introduce significant reforms to the Supreme Court, including term limits for justices and the establishment of a binding code of ethics. He is also considering seeking a constitutional amendment to restrict presidential immunity. These reforms come in response to the conservative tilt of the Court under the Trump administration and recent controversial rulings. However, the approval of Congress is necessary for these reforms, which is considered unlikely due to the Republican majority. Biden's proposal aims to address concerns about the lifetime tenure of justices and the lack of enforceable ethics guidelines. The Supreme Court's decisions, particularly in cases related to abortion rights, gun rights, and presidential immunity, have sparked public outrage and led to a decline in approval ratings. Biden's plan reflects the desire for progressive change and a more balanced Court. However, the path to implementing these reforms is challenging, requiring bipartisan support and constitutional amendments. Critics argue that expanding the Court or implementing term limits would undermine its independence and politicize the judicial process. Despite the uphill battle, Biden remains committed to addressing the concerns surrounding the Supreme Court and hopes to rally support from the Progressive Caucus.
17. Juli 2024 um 05:55

Joe Biden's Stance on Gun Control and Campaign Resumption After Trump Shooting

In the aftermath of the recent shooting incident involving an AR-15 rifle targeting Donald Trump, Joe Biden has reentered campaign mode with a renewed advocacy for stricter gun control measures. Biden has specifically called for a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15 and criticized the resistance to gun reforms from conservative Republicans and the gun lobby. Despite the shooting, Trump's supporters remain staunchly against any changes to gun laws, attributing the issue to mental health rather than the availability of assault weapons. The shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, is under investigation for domestic terrorism, further fueling the debate on gun control. Biden, in his recent interviews and speeches, not only denounced violence but also resumed his attacks on Trump, emphasizing the importance of Black voters and highlighting his administration's support for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and Black employment. The push to accelerate Biden's nomination before the convention by Democrats, including the Democratic National Committee, underscores the urgency in solidifying his candidacy. Amidst controversies surrounding the filing date in Ohio and doubts raised during debates, NAACP members like Donna Jackson-Houston and Tony Fields continue to express their support for Biden. As the 2020 campaign progresses, Biden's stance on gun control and his strategy against Trump in light of the recent events will likely remain central themes in the political discourse.
17. Juli 2024 um 00:03

Democrats' Tactical Move: Early Nomination of Biden Amid Criticism

Amid doubts about Joe Biden's fitness and electability, Democrats are strategically planning to nominate him as the presidential candidate before the party convention in August. This tactical maneuver aims to secure Biden's presence on all state ballots for the November election. Despite internal criticism regarding the 81-year-old's age and capabilities, party leaders are pushing forward with the plan. Adam Schiff's warning of potential losses if Biden remains in the race underscores the high stakes involved in the DNC's decision. The move to confirm Biden early, through a virtual pre-vote and potential rule changes, indicates a sense of urgency within the Democratic ranks. While concerns linger, the party is navigating a turbulent moment in U.S. politics, balancing the need for unity with the imperative of fielding a competitive candidate against Trump.
16. Juli 2024 um 15:13

Biden's Stance on Political Violence Amid Rising Tensions

In a recent high-stakes NBC interview, President Biden addressed the issue of political violence, particularly in the context of the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Biden condemned such acts and called for a cooling of political rhetoric, emphasizing the need for a more civil discourse in the face of heightened tensions. During the interview with Lester Holt, Biden also highlighted his record but faced lingering doubts, particularly regarding his age, mental acuity, and readiness. The President faced criticism from Palestinian and Arab Americans over his support for Israel while aiming to mobilize Black and Latino voters in battleground states like Nevada. Meanwhile, a concerning incident unfolded as a would-be assassin attacked Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, underscoring the gravity of the current political climate. Biden admitted that his previous remark about putting Trump in a 'bull's-eye' was a mistake, reiterating his commitment to engaging in substantive policy debates rather than resorting to inflammatory language. As tensions persist and accusations fly between parties, Biden seeks to maintain a focus on policy discussions and unity, while also ensuring accountability for any violent actions incited by political rhetoric.
16. Juli 2024 um 09:11

The Trump Assassination Attempt: Impact and Consequences

Donald Trump wurde bei Schießerei auf Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Butler, Pennsylvania, verletzt
The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump during a campaign event in Pennsylvania has had significant consequences on American politics. The attack has triggered a surge of solidarity among Trump supporters, strengthening his position in the ongoing election campaign. It has also increased pressure on President Joe Biden, with calls for him to step aside and allow a new candidate to challenge Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris's chances of becoming Trump's opponent have risen, bringing new topics and diversity into the campaign. James David Vance, Trump's chosen vice-presidential candidate, has gained importance as he represents the white working class and can mobilize swing states. The assassination attempt has further divided the already polarized American society, with blame being placed on political opponents and media. The incident has also led to increased stock value for Trump's media company, making him 1.2 billion dollars richer. The Secret Service's response to the attack is under scrutiny, with questions about their preparedness and decision-making. President Biden feels safe with the Secret Service, but the agency faces questions about their ability to foresee the attack. Trump's appearance at the Republican National Convention after the attack received a hero's welcome, setting the stage for a rematch with President Biden. Congress is holding hearings to investigate the security breach and the House committees are seeking answers. The Trump assassination attempt has caused shock and concern worldwide, with German leaders condemning the act and calling for unity against violence.
16. Juli 2024 um 00:03

Biden Calls for End to Political Violence in High-Stakes NBC Interview

In a high-stakes interview with NBC, President Joe Biden condemned political violence and discussed the recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Biden acknowledged his mistake in using the phrase 'put Trump in a bull's-eye' but defended his descriptions of Trump as a threat to democracy. He emphasized that it is Trump, not him, who engages in incendiary rhetoric. Biden expressed concern about the impact of such rhetoric on democracy and questioned whether it incites violence. The interview took place as Biden's re-election team prepared to resume campaigning after the assassination attempt on Trump. Biden canceled a planned speech at the Lyndon B Johnson library and recalibrated some of his political plans. Despite calls from some Democrats to step aside, Biden remains determined to stay in the race and has been operating as such. The interview aims to stabilize his campaign after a disastrous debate performance and doubts about his candidacy. It comes amid the Republican National Convention and heightened concerns about political violence.
16. Juli 2024 um 00:01

The Impact of an Assassination Attempt: How Images Shape Trump's Campaign

Donald Trump wurde bei Schießerei auf Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Butler, Pennsylvania, verletzt
The recent failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump has sparked discussions on how the incident could influence the ongoing election campaign. Despite Trump being both a victim and a controversial figure due to his past actions, the attack has the potential to play in his favor if he strategically capitalizes on it. Images of Trump in a heroic pose post-attack are being viewed as potential poster motifs, elevating his status as a patriotic icon. While Trump's contradictory nature poses challenges, his ability to project strength and address swing voters could secure his victory. The photo capturing Trump's combative gesture has quickly become emblematic, reminiscent of iconic wartime imagery. The incident's portrayal on merchandise platforms like Etsy and Teleteeshirt highlights its political significance, even without direct involvement from the Trump campaign. As the election unfolds, the handling of this event and the associated images could significantly impact the outcome, shaping the narrative around Trump's candidacy.
16. Juli 2024 um 00:00

Examining Security Oversight in the Wake of an Assassination Attempt on Trump

In the aftermath of an attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump, the Secret Service finds itself under intense scrutiny. President Biden has taken decisive action by calling for an independent review of security protocols both pre and post the incident, specifically focusing on the upcoming Republican National Convention. Congress has vowed to hold hearings to delve into potential security inadequacies, particularly questioning why the warehouse rooftop from which the assailant fired was not within the Secret Service's secured area. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has acquiesced to an independent investigation in the wake of the attack, which also highlighted the need for heightened security at the Republican convention. Furthermore, President Biden has extended Secret Service protection to presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. following the assassination attempt on Trump. Amidst criticisms over the shooting incident, the Secret Service has emphasized the bolstering of security measures for the Republican National Convention, while refuting allegations of resource diversion and denying requests for additional security. The increased diversity in leadership, with Cheatle's appointment in 2022, has also stirred political debates, with calls for resignation and claims of tokenism. As the investigations unfold, the focus remains on fortifying security oversight to prevent such incidents in the future.
13. Juli 2024 um 23:57

Biden's Past vs. Future: Concerns Over Age and Fitness Prevail Among Supporters

Biden's Past vs. Future: Concerns Over Age and Fitness Prevail Among Supporters
As President Biden seeks to emphasize his past accomplishments to bolster his candidacy, his supporters are increasingly preoccupied with his future capabilities to lead the nation. Despite Biden's efforts to campaign on his record, Democratic voters, lawmakers, and strategists are more focused on his ability to defeat Donald Trump and effectively serve another term as president. Growing worries about Biden's age and fitness have garnered significant attention, with a recent poll highlighting concerns that 74% of voters believe he may be too old to effectively fulfill the presidential duties. The parallels with past presidents, like Ronald Reagan, who faced similar age-related apprehensions, further underscore the current scrutiny on Biden and Trump as the oldest candidates. Calls from health experts for additional cognitive assessments for both candidates highlight the ongoing debate about mental acuity in leadership roles, cautioning against ageism and emphasizing the need for reliable evaluations rather than speculative observations. Bernie Sanders' plea for Democratic unity behind Biden, despite policy disagreements, underscores the overarching concern among supporters about ensuring a successful outcome in the upcoming election, steering the focus towards strategic collaboration rather than internal discord and critiques.
13. Juli 2024 um 19:58

US Senator Sanders Calls for Sticking with Biden's Candidacy

US President Joe Biden walks with US Senator Bernie Sanders, April 2024
US Senator Bernie Sanders, a prominent representative of the political left in the US, has expressed his support for the re-election of President Joe Biden, despite concerns about his health. Sanders believes that with an effective campaign targeting working families, Biden will not only defeat Donald Trump, but do so convincingly. He urges Democrats to stop the infighting and unite behind Biden. Despite doubts within his own party, Biden remains determined to continue his candidacy. Some former Democratic representatives and major donors have called for his withdrawal, but Biden remains steadfast in his commitment to run for the presidency.
13. Juli 2024 um 19:57

Joe Biden's Gaffes Mocked by Russia Amid Renewed Presidential Candidacy Talk

Joe Biden's Gaffes Mocked by Russia Amid Renewed Presidential Candidacy Talk
President Joe Biden's recent gaffes, including confusing world leaders and notable figures during public appearances, have become a subject of mockery and ridicule in Russia. The Russian media portrays Biden as an aging individual making strategic missteps in contrast to the perceived shrewdness of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Despite the criticism, Biden remains assertive and has expressed his intention to run for re-election in November. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted calmly to Biden's slip-ups, acknowledging the US support for Ukraine and downplaying the mistakes as forgivable. Biden's mix-up between Zelenskyy and Putin at the NATO summit sparked discussions questioning his mental acuity regarding a potential re-election bid. Zelenskyy has brushed off Biden's blunders as simple mistakes and focused on discussions with the Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris on crucial topics like demining, energy cooperation, and humanitarian aid during an airport meeting. The international spotlight on Biden's verbal miscues underscores the fine line between public perception and political competence as he navigates renewed scrutiny ahead of the upcoming election cycle.
13. Juli 2024 um 09:03

Debate Surrounding President Biden's Fitness for Office Intensifies Amid Campaign Rally in Michigan

Debate Surrounding President Biden's Fitness for Office Intensifies Amid Campaign Rally in Michigan
President Joe Biden's recent visit to Michigan for a campaign rally has been overshadowed by ongoing concerns about his age, mental fitness, and ability to lead effectively. Despite efforts to dispel doubts about his cognitive sharpness and commitment to re-election, criticism persists following embarrassing slips during press conferences and public appearances, such as referring to Kamala Harris as 'Vice-President Trump'. Calls for Biden to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee have intensified, with some House Democrats and former representatives urging him to withdraw from the race to safeguard American democracy. While Biden's supporters cheer him on at events like the Detroit rally, his absence of high-profile Michigan Democrats like Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters raises questions about his broader support within the party. Additionally, Biden faces backlash from Arab and Muslim American voters in Michigan over his handling of the Gaza conflict, further complicating his re-election prospects. As European leaders defend Biden's gaffes at the NATO summit, contrasting views emerge in the media, with some suggesting that these incidents have irreversibly damaged his image and cast doubt on his ability to defeat Donald Trump in a potential rematch. The debate surrounding Biden's candidacy underscores the complex dynamics at play as the 2024 US presidential election approaches, highlighting the challenges and uncertainties facing the Democratic Party and the broader political landscape.
13. Juli 2024 um 09:02

Calls for Biden's Withdrawal Gain Momentum Among Former Democratic Representatives

Calls for Biden's Withdrawal Gain Momentum Among Former Democratic Representatives
Former Democratic Congressional Representatives are urging President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race to allow other candidates to step in. Concerns about Biden's physical and mental fitness have escalated following a turbulent debate performance and ongoing doubts within his own party. Despite calls for withdrawal, Biden remains resolute in his candidacy, with record fundraising indicating continued support. Some Democrats, like Colorado Governor Jared Polis, believe the debate on Biden's candidacy is valid and urge him to demonstrate a winning strategy to secure victory in November. While some Democratic leaders, including Hakeem Jeffries, have expressed concerns about Biden's campaign, others like Ashley Judd and George Clooney are actively advocating for his withdrawal to pave the way for a stronger contender, amid fears of a potential Republican resurgence in Congress. As pressure mounts, the Democratic Party grapples with the delicate balance between loyalty to Biden and the need for a competitive edge in the upcoming election.
13. Juli 2024 um 05:53

'I'm doing well': Biden dispels doubts about mental fitness at campaign event

Biden in Delaware am 12.07.2024
President Joe Biden addressed concerns about his mental fitness during a campaign event in Michigan. Despite facing doubts about his age and ability to govern, Biden assured supporters that he is doing well and capable of leading the country. He campaigned without a teleprompter, engaging with voters and attempting to win over skeptical Democrats. He also took the opportunity to criticize his rival, Donald Trump, warning of a 'nightmare' if he wins a second term. Biden's determination to continue running for re-election remains strong, despite opposition from some Democratic lawmakers. The focus now shifts to whether Biden can effectively defeat Trump and serve another term as president. Concerns about his age and fitness have been growing, with a recent poll indicating that a majority of voters believe he is too old to be an effective leader. Biden's speech in Detroit aimed to highlight his past achievements and reassure supporters about his future ability to lead the nation.
12. Juli 2024 um 20:06

Joe Biden at NATO Summit: A Mix of Conviction and Controversy

Joe Biden at NATO Summit: A Mix of Conviction and Controversy
During Joe Biden's recent press conference at the NATO summit, he showcased clarity on foreign policy issues, but also encountered awkward gaffes and a shaky voice. Biden addressed various topics including Ukraine, China, Israel, and even questions about his cognitive health and re-election plans. While defending his choice of Kamala Harris as VP and criticizing opponent Trump's inactivity post-debate, Biden faced scrutiny over his statements and was fact-checked on his claims. The summit also saw Biden mistakenly confusing Zelensky with Putin and Kamala Harris with Trump, adding to existing doubts about his leadership. Amid discussions on NATO affairs, Orbán's meetings with Trump and Putin stirred unease, hinting at potential shifts in US foreign policy post-elections.
12. Juli 2024 um 20:01

Biden Faces Criticism and Doubts as He Campaigns in Michigan

Biden Faces Criticism and Doubts as He Campaigns in Michigan
President Joe Biden is traveling to Michigan to rally support for his re-election campaign and address concerns about his age and fitness for office. Calls for Biden to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee continue to grow, with 18 House Democrats now calling for him to quit. Biden's recent performance at a NATO summit press conference drew criticism, with embarrassing slips and verbal miscues. Despite the criticism and doubts, Biden remains defiant and vows to stay in the race, insisting that he is the best qualified person to defeat his Republican rival. As Biden campaigns in Michigan, he seeks to focus on attacking former President Trump's conservative policies and laying out his own policy agenda for a potential second term. However, his mixed performance and ongoing doubts about his candidacy raise questions about his ability to regain trust from his party and secure re-election.
12. Juli 2024 um 09:06

President's Confusion at NATO Summit Raises Doubts About Mental Fitness

President's Confusion at NATO Summit Raises Doubts About Mental Fitness
During a ceremony marking the end of the NATO summit in Washington, President Biden made several mistakes, confusing Ukrainian President Zelenskyy with Russian President Putin and Vice President Kamala Harris with former President Trump. However, Biden immediately corrected himself, but this faux pas could reinforce doubts about his mental fitness for a second term. Additionally, Biden's confusion extended to his NATO press conference, where he also mistakenly referred to Asia as Europe. Despite these lapses, Biden managed to answer 11 questions during the nearly hour-long conference. This incident highlights the importance of Biden's performance at the press conference and the ongoing debate over his candidacy for a second term, with some Democratic party members calling on him to step down. The president's ability to handle foreign policy questions confidently was overshadowed by embarrassing slips, raising concerns about his fitness for office and adding fuel to the calls for him to step aside.
12. Juli 2024 um 07:03

Biden's Slip-Up at NATO Summit Raises Concerns About his Acuity

Biden's Slip-Up at NATO Summit Raises Concerns About his Acuity
US President Joe Biden mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as Russian President Vladimir Putin during the NATO summit in Washington. Biden quickly corrected himself, but the incident has fueled the debate about his physical and mental fitness for the presidency. After his disastrous TV debate with Donald Trump, every action and statement from Biden is being closely analyzed. His appearance at the press conference at the NATO summit is seen as the next test for him, which he must master. The press conference comes as some Democrats have raised concerns about Biden's age and acuity. Allies and donors have even called for him to drop out of the race against Trump. Biden's slip-up could reinforce doubts about his mental fitness for a second term, as he has to prove himself after the TV duel. The press conference will be streamed live and closely watched by his allies, doubters, and enemies. It could either rejuvenate his presidential campaign or provide more proof for those calling for him to step aside. Biden has defied growing calls to end his race, even as polls show him falling further behind Trump. Some of his advisers are reportedly working on ways to get him to drop out, while the Biden campaign is also quietly testing Vice President Kamala Harris's strength against Trump. The incident at the NATO summit highlights the scrutiny Biden is under and the importance of his press conference performance to regain confidence in his candidacy.
12. Juli 2024 um 07:01

Democratic Pressure Mounts as Biden Faces Calls to Step Aside

Democratic Pressure Mounts as Biden Faces Calls to Step Aside
Pressure is mounting within the Democratic party as prominent figures like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer openly express doubts about President Biden's re-election bid. With growing concerns about Biden's age and performance, calls for his withdrawal from the race have intensified. Major donors withdrawing support further complicate Biden's campaign, raising questions about his financial viability. The possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in as a replacement is also being considered. As Biden's odds of dropping out increase and internal doubts persist, the president faces a critical moment to address concerns and assert control over his party during an upcoming news conference.
12. Juli 2024 um 06:53

Joe Biden's Defiant Stance Amidst Gaffes and Calls to Step Aside

Joe Biden's Defiant Stance Amidst Gaffes and Calls to Step Aside
President Joe Biden, despite facing questions about his mental fitness, stood firm during a NATO press conference, defending his foreign policy record. While he made several gaffes, including mistakenly referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as 'Vice President Trump', Biden insisted he would stay in the race despite calls from some within his party to step aside. He discussed important issues like competition with China and the Israel-Hamas conflict, and defended his decision to pick Harris as his running mate. Biden also expressed confidence in his ability to beat Trump again in the next election, despite concerns about his age and stamina. The press conference was seen as a crucial moment for Biden to assert control over his party and calm fears about his candidacy.
12. Juli 2024 um 06:48

Debate over Candidacy: Support for Biden Continues to Crumble

Debate over Candidacy: Support for Biden Continues to Crumble
Calls for President Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race are intensifying, as he faces declining support from both Democrats and the general public. Democratic officials and prominent figures, including Hollywood star George Clooney, have urged Biden to step aside, citing concerns over his age and ability to lead. The growing debate surrounding Biden's mental and physical fitness was sparked by his shaky performance in a televised debate with Donald Trump three weeks ago. Despite Biden's defiance, the pressure for him to withdraw is mounting, with prediction market traders now giving him a 65% chance of quitting the race. The potential consequences of Biden's withdrawal include the possibility of a contested Democratic convention to choose a new nominee. Furthermore, Biden's loss of Hollywood support has impacted his campaign's fundraising efforts, with donors threatening to withhold further contributions if he remains in the race. As the pressure grows, the president's decision on whether to run for re-election will be a critical one for the future of his candidacy and the Democratic Party.
11. Juli 2024 um 20:04

Biden's $1.7 Billion Initiative to Transform Auto Plants into EV Factories

The Biden administration has unveiled a $1.7 billion program aimed at converting 11 struggling or closed auto manufacturing plants in 8 states into facilities for producing electric vehicles. This initiative will not only help in retrofitting the plants for EV production but also generate new job opportunities in the unionized auto industry. Car manufacturers like General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, and Harley Davidson, as well as suppliers including American Auto Parts, are expected to benefit from this funding, which is set to create around 2,900 new jobs and save 15,000 existing jobs that were at risk. The grants will play a crucial role in reinvigorating the electric vehicle sector in the U.S. and fostering sustainable manufacturing practices.
11. Juli 2024 um 20:02

Debate on Candidacy: Support for Biden Continues to Crumble

Debate on Candidacy: Support for Biden Continues to Crumble
The debate over Joe Biden's mental and physical suitability for the presidency is gaining momentum again. Democratic top politician Nancy Pelosi refused in a TV interview to clearly state whether Biden should remain in the race for the presidential candidacy, and instead called on him to make a decision. Prominent supporters like George Clooney have also spoken out against a renewed Biden candidacy. The pressure on Biden is growing both from within his own ranks and from outside. Senator Peter Welch of Vermont has become the first Democratic senator to publicly call on President Biden to withdraw as the party's presidential candidate. Welch cites Biden's poor debate performance and concerns about his ability to run a successful campaign against former President Trump. Welch believes another Democratic candidate would be better positioned to defeat Trump and continue the progressive policies championed by Biden. While Biden has traditionally enjoyed support from mainstream celebrities, a growing number of celebrities have called for him to step aside and let a younger candidate run. This includes figures like Michael Moore, Rob Reiner, and George Clooney. The article suggests that this shift reflects the changing nature of celebrity influence in the social media era, where even silence can be seen as a statement. The upcoming news conference will be a test of Biden's cognitive ability as he seeks to prove he is capable of running for re-election. The event is seen as a crucial moment for Biden to convince Americans he is fit for a second term, with growing political and media pressure for him to withdraw from the race. Some Biden advisers are reportedly discussing how to convince him to step aside from the 2024 presidential campaign, as they believe he cannot win against former President Trump.
11. Juli 2024 um 14:42

Mounting Pressure for Biden to Step Aside

Mounting Pressure for Biden to Step Aside
President Biden is facing mounting pressure from within his own party to withdraw his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race. Prominent Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney have expressed doubts about Biden's ability to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Actor George Clooney, who previously hosted a fundraiser for Biden, has urged the president to reconsider his candidacy. Biden has responded by criticizing the 'Democratic elites' who he believes have turned against him. The article also highlights the influence of wealthy donors on Biden's decision. It suggests that these donors have significant political power and could sway Biden to stay in or drop out of the race. Additionally, the article mentions Biden's debate performance and concerns about his mental and physical fitness for the presidency. Overall, support for Biden within his party is crumbling, and the pressure for him to step aside is growing.
11. Juli 2024 um 09:06

Calls for Biden to Reconsider Presidential Run Intensify Amid Concerns Over Age and Health

Calls for Biden to Reconsider Presidential Run Intensify Amid Concerns Over Age and Health
Amid a chorus of voices within the Democratic Party expressing doubts about President Biden's ability to secure re-election, calls for him to reconsider his presidential run have intensified. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a Democratic senator have publicly suggested that Biden should reassess his candidacy, citing concerns over his age and declining abilities. The pressure on Biden to make a decision before the upcoming NATO summit is mounting, with warnings that his continuation in the race could lead to significant losses for the Democrats. Additionally, influential figures like George Clooney, a major Democratic fundraiser, have joined the call for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race. As Biden prepares for a critical press conference amidst the growing uncertainty surrounding his candidacy, the outcome of this high-stakes moment could determine the future of his re-election bid, with any misstep potentially fueling further calls for him to step aside.


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